
2019 Couple Wedding Ring Trends

2057 okunma — 24 November 2022 07:00
2019 Couple Wedding Ring Trends

Latest fashion couple wedding ring models In 2019, it appears with much more mobile models and in a form made of a combination of two different materials. in 2019 couple wedding ring models It draws attention with the details that add movement to the ring, such as patterns, stones and inscriptions. The design of the stone, which is a classic use, on the top of the ring, has tried to change in 2019. Now stones are used both on the top and on the sides of the ring.

You Can Have Different Wedding Ring Designs in 2019

For couples who like simple designs, caterpillar-edged models or mosaic-structured models that will be loaded with white and yellow colors in 2019 seem to be ideal. Another model option that you may encounter frequently in 2019 will have spiral designs. Rings with spiral designs include single stone designs in wedding ring options for women.

Wedding Ring Models for Those Who Love Simple Designs

2019 wedding ring models One of the ones that will attract a lot of attention in the middle will be the models with stones on the edges. These models are preferred for their stylish, simple and attractive designs. Stones are used only on the edges of these models, which have many different color options. This design detail adds sparkle to wedding rings, but it doesn’t look too exaggerated. In this way, it creates a nice alternative for those who like simple models. wedding ring prices 2019It differs according to the models in the year and the designs they have.

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