
3-Day Diet Plan: Everything You Need to Know

1427 okunma — 26 June 2023 16:30
3 Day Diet Plan Everything You Need to Know

You can apply our 3-day diet list to lose weight fast. Do you want to lose weight quickly or start losing weight quickly? Are you bothered by your excess weight? The most adequate way to lose weight then is to follow a very low-calorie diet for three days every two weeks. You do not need to fast or starve during this 3-day diet. You will eat nutritious foods, but you will reduce unnecessary calories. You will also train on non-diet days to help you activate fat and maintain a firm body.

But beware, follow this diet plan to avoid health problems. you don’t always follow up for more than two weeks recommended. In this article, I will write a 3-day diet plan, foods to eat and avoid, non-diet days training plan and much more.

How Does the 3-Day Diet Plan Work?

1200 calorie diet list

The 3-day diet works by limiting calorie consumption to less than 1200 per day, three days a week. You will return to your usual diet for the remaining four days of the week without exceeding the limit of consuming an extra 500 calories. For example, if there are 1000 calories on diet days, you will not consume more than 1500 calories a day on non-diet days. This varied calorie intake will prevent your body’s metabolism from flattening and will help you burn calories and lose weight quickly. Always follow the 3-day diet plan for two weeks and then give a week of moderate before continuing with this diet plan. Let’s find out what you should eat during the three days of your very low calorie diet plan.

3-Day Diet Plan List

Day 1 (1200 calories)

3 day diet plan list

Early Morning (07:45 – 8:30)

  • 1 cup of fenugreek seed tea

Breakfast (9:15 – 9:45)


  • Oatmeal (40 g oats + 150 ml low-fat milk + 15 g nut mix + 1 serving of fruit of choice)
  • 2 egg whites + 1 whole grain bread + 1 fresh whole fruit / fiber juice (No sweeteners)

Lunch (12:00 – 12:30)


  • Grilled fish with asparagus and tomato sauce
  • Tuna / veggie sandwich (Use wholemeal or wholegrain bread)

Evening Snack (16:00)


  • a bowl of fruit
  • ½ cup small carrots

Dinner (7:00 – 19:30)


  • Garlic bread cereal (1 pc) and chicken stew
  • 1 slice of whole wheat diet bread with smoked turkey slices or stew and sliced ​​cucumber, tomato and onion.

Why It Works

Fenugreek tea helps speed up your metabolism and prevents constipation. Oats are full of fiber, which helps inhibit fat absorption and activates fat. Eggs are a complete source of protein, and multigrain bread is high in fiber. Fresh juice is rich in fiber and fruit sugar keeps your hunger pangs priced away for longer. Have a delicious yet light lunch rich in protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Choose grilled fish or sandwiches to satisfy your taste buds. Get valuable complex carbohydrates and fiber in the form of fruit or crispy vegetables for a healthy evening snack. Spice up your meal with garlic bread (grain) and chicken stew rich in protein and other nutrients. If you don’t want to eat chicken, opt for turkey, a rich source of protein.

Day 1 substitute foods

  • Fenugreek seeds – Fennel seeds
  • Oatmeal – Quinoa
  • Scrambled egg – Boiled egg
  • Multigrain bread – wheat or gluten free bread
  • Fresh juice – 1/2 cup fruit
  • Grilled fish – Baked or smoked fish
  • Asparagus – Spinach
  • Tomatoes – Finely chopped cucumber
  • Tuna sandwich – Chicken sandwich
  • Veggie Sandwich – Mushroom Sandwich
  • Fruits – 1 cup of fresh juice
  • Small carrot – 1 cup large cubed cucumber
  • Garlic bread – Wheat bread
  • Chicken stew – grilled chicken
  • Smoked Turkey – Smoked Salmon
  • Pita – multigrain bread
  • Cucumber – Carrot
  • Tomato – Red bell pepper
  • Onion – Chives

1. How will you feel at the end of the day?

Day 1 will be a problem. You will feel hungry and crave junk food. But what you gain by not breaking the rules is bigger and more valuable to you right now. Water your hunger pangs or green teacheck in.

Day 2 (1000 calories)

Early Morning (07:45 – 8:30)

  • Mix half a lime juice with 1 glass of warm water and drink it.

Breakfast (9:15 – 9:45)


  • Quinoa + 1 cup of green tea
  • Egg omelet + 1 cup of green tea

Lunch (12:00 – 12:30)


  • Sauteed green beans, peas, carrots and mushrooms + ½ cup nonfat yogurt
  • Grilled chicken breast (60 gr.) with broccoli, spinach and carrots + 1 glass of low-fat buttermilk

Evening Snack (16:00)

  • 1 cup of black coffee

Dinner (7:00 – 19:30)


  • Chicken / vegetable soup + ½ cup low-fat vanilla ice cream
  • Boiled chickpea salad + ½ cup low-fat vanilla ice cream

Why It Works

Lemon juice works by helping to activate oil and flush out toxins. A cup of green tea and quinoa or egg omelette will help you stay full and suppress your appetite. Have a nutritious and delicious lunch with sautéed vegetables and mushrooms or grilled chicken and vegetables. Low-fat yogurt or buttermilk provides better digestion, which leads to a better metabolism. Black coffee is a great appetite suppressant and also increases alertness and concentration. Have a delicious dinner packed with protein sources like chicken or boiled chickpeas. Half a cup of vanilla ice cream will satisfy your taste buds.

2nd day substitute foods

  • Lime – Lemon or apple cider vinegar
  • Quinoa – Oats
  • Egg omelette – boiled egg
  • Green tea – Oolong tea or coffee
  • Green beans – Asparagus
  • Peas – Endive
  • Carrot – Yellow bell pepper
  • Mushroom – corn
  • Fat-free yogurt – 1 cup fresh ginger, fennel seeds, and lemon juice
  • Chicken breast – Salmon / mushroom
  • Broccoli – Cauliflower
  • Spinach – Celery
  • Carrot – Tomato
  • Ayran – 1 glass of watermelon juice
  • Coffee – green tea or oolong tea
  • Chicken / Vegetable Soup – Lentil / Mushroom Soup
  • Boiled chickpea salad – salad or chicken salad
  • Vanilla ice cream – Frozen yogurt

How will you feel at the end of the day?

At the end of day 2, you’ll be surprised to learn that you survived two days without eating junk food! This will keep your spirits high and you will be more ready for day 3 than ever before.

Day 3 (800 calories)

Early Morning (07:45 – 8:30)

  • 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

Breakfast (9:15 – 9:45)


  • 2 boiled egg whites + 1 cup melon and pomegranate smoothie
  • ½ cup of vegetable semolina (20 g) + ½ cup of skim milk

Lunch (12:00 – 12:30)


  • Chicken salad with nonfat yogurt, olive oil, salt and pepper dressing
  • Grilled tuna with kale and tomatoes

Evening Snack (16:00)

  • 1 cup of green tea

Dinner (7:00 – 19:30)


  • Baked chicken and bell pepper
  • Chicken or mushroom soup

Why It Works

Apple cider vinegar aids weight loss and regulates blood pressure. Eat a protein-rich breakfast to fuel your brain and muscles so you can stay active. If you want to have a salad for lunch, opt for a low-fat dressing. Grilled tuna will keep your taste buds alive and provide your body with an extra dose of protein. Green tea is the best for losing weight and suppressing appetite.

Day 3 substitute foods

  • Apple cider vinegar – Lemon juice
  • Boiled egg white – Egg white omelet
  • Melon watermelon
  • Pomegranate – Cherry
  • Semolina – Quinoa
  • Milk – Soy milk
  • Chicken Salad – Tuna or Vegetable Salad
  • Yogurt – sour cream
  • Olive oil – Linseed oil
  • Tomatoes – summer squash
  • Green tea – Oolong tea or coffee
  • Chicken – Mushrooms or chickpeas
  • Bell Pepper – Zucchini
  • Chicken or mushroom soup – Grilled vegetables or vegetable soup

How will you feel at the end of the day?

At the end of the 3rd day, you may have too much edema. This means you will look slimmer and feel less bloated. Your body will be ready to mobilize fat, and that’s exactly what training will help you achieve. Therefore, even if you’ve lost water weight, you still need to train on non-diet days to lose fat. Here are 4-7. A workout plan for the days.

Training Plan for Non-Diet Days (Day 4 – Day 7)

3-day diet plan workout program
  • Warm-up (10 min) Move your head to the side 10 times without error.
  • Move your head up and down 10 times as if you are nodding.
  • Neck rotations (clockwise and counterclockwise) – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Shoulder rotations (clockwise and counterclockwise) – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Full arm rotation (clockwise and counterclockwise) – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Wrist rotation (clockwise and counterclockwise) – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Waist rotation (clockwise and counterclockwise) – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Wrist rotation (clockwise and counterclockwise) – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Standing side workouts (left and right) – 1 set of 10 reps
diet and training plan

Be sure not to train hard from Day 1 to Day 3 (diet days), as you will be following a very low calorie diet and your body may not have the necessary strength. But you can do light stretching exercises on your diet days.

7. How will you feel at the end of the day?

You will be both surprised and excited about your progress. The first 3 days of the diet will help you lose weight and activate the fat in the last 4 days of the week. This will help you lose weight faster and more effectively. You will look slimmer, and training systematically will help you stay active and focused. It will also improve memory and reflex and remove all negative intentions from your mind.

Should You Repeat the 3-Day Diet?

Yes, you can start the 3-day diet again in the second week. The second week may not cause enough trouble, but you should stick to the diet plan to get the best results. Do not apply without consulting your dietitian!

Should You Continue the 3-Day Diet Beyond the Second Week?

No. This diet plan may work for you, but it is recommended that you do not continue this diet after the second week. You can follow a low-calorie diet and exercise to prevent your body from regaining weight. You can follow the 3-day diet plan after giving a week of medium. You should also talk to your dietitian or physician before you decide to go on this diet indefinitely. Eating less and suppressing your appetite is not easy anymore. We’ve got some tricks on how to suppress appetite, and here’s what we recommend doing when you’re on the 3-day diet plan.

How Can You Reduce Your Appetite?

The feeling of hunger is a phenomenon that is a staple of nearly every diet because of the restrictions placed on sensible food. Therefore, reducing appetite makes dieting relatively easy to follow. A finite measure of food is consumed during the 3-day diet and therefore these tips can be followed to reduce appetite and induce weight loss.

  • Drinking water: Drinking water throughout the day will greatly satisfy your hunger. In addition, studies have proven that water consumption accelerates the rate of calorie burning. Moreover, drinking lime/lime juice is particularly beneficial for weight loss. For smoother results, at least 8 glasses of fluid per day is recommended.
  • Getting enough sleep: Those who don’t get enough sleep tend to feel more hungry and therefore have more appetite. This is because body hormones go in a direction that leads to weight gain. The value of sleep cannot be underestimated.
  • For Green Tea: Green tea helps suppress appetite and the best time to consume is 30 minutes before a meal. Since green tea has zero calories, you can consume it in the middle of the meal. But be careful not to drink more than 3 cups of green tea a day.

3-Day Diet Benefits

Diet to lose 10 kilos in 3 days
  1. It is effective when it comes to rapid weight loss (about 10 kilos in 3 days).
  2. Food such as coffee, tuna and vegetables is inexpensive because it is convenient.
  3. It is easy and easy to follow as the ingredients are readily available and the meals are easy and can be prepared quickly.
  4. Weight loss leads to a variety of cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure and lowering lousy LDL cholesterol.
  5. This diet has no side effects. However, those with health problems should consult their doctor before following.

All in all, the 3-day diet plan seems like an ideal way to lose weight. But it also helps to know the disadvantages before you start.

3-Day Diet Losses

  1. The 3-day diet is considered a discontinuous diet. Although effective for weight loss, a lot of lean muscle mass is quickly regained once you start eating normally.
  2. This diet can cause an electrolyte imbalance, which disrupts the normal heart rhythm, leading to a massive loss of water load and muscle cramps. This destabilizes certain minerals in your body, such as potassium, which can affect the function of your heart with fatal consequences.
  3. Although weight loss can result in cardiovascular benefits, constant weight gain and loss can put the heart under strain.
  4. Following this diet systemically can cause nutrient deficiencies, long-term weight gain, weakened immune system and heart problems. It is low in iron and calcium. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, and calcium deficiency can weaken bones.
  5. This diet diabeticspotentially dangerous for
  6. This diet is not suitable for children and teenagers because a growing child needs enough calories and nutrition to develop and this diet lacks both. What’s more, it can potentially cause eating disorders.

So the 3 day diet plan is not for those looking for a long term weight loss diet plan. But for a special case, you can apply a 3-day diet plan to lose weight quickly and effectively. Follow the diet chart and training plan, you can see the results in the first week. Get started today and get ready to surprise everyone!

Attention:Do not follow this diet without consulting your doctor!


The 3 day diet plan is not for those looking for a long term weight loss diet plan. Calorie counting and portion control are the golden rules of staying fit and healthy without sacrificing nutrients. Eat slowly, chew properly, add good bioavailable protein to your diet, and drink water to keep your metabolism in optimal shape.

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