
5 foods that may increase your risk of developing cancerous cells

1845 okunma — 11 July 2023 02:00
5 foods that may increase your risk of developing cancerous cells

“You are what you eat” – This proverb is of great importance when you want to improve your health and switch to pure eating habits. If you eat healthy, you will automatically feel energetic and fit. However, if the food on your plate is trans fat and refined artifacts, fatigue and health problems are inevitable.

Unhealthy eating habits and lousy food choices can lead to numerous liver, kidney, and heart-related diseases. While some can be cured if detected in time, diseases such as cancer can be life-threatening.

How your food choices can lead to cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but it can be prevented by making relevant lifestyle changes. Cancerous cells grow in the body for different reasons, and unhealthy diet is only one of them. Lack of physical activity, smoking, obesity, alcohol and exposure to UV rays are other factors that may play a role. There is evidence that our dietary habits can increase or decrease the risk of cancer. Here are 5 foods you should avoid to protect your health…

5 foods that may increase your risk of developing cancerous cells

Foods that cause cancer, drinks, foods list…

  1. Processed meats: Meat, poultry, fish and eggs are all healthy provided they are properly cooked and consumed in moderation. Removing preserved animal artifacts through smoking and salting is unhealthy and can cause health problems ranging from weight gain to cancer. Processing meat produces a compound that can be carcinogenic and put a person at risk of developing colorectal (Large Intestine Cancer) and stomach cancer. Instead of processed meats such as hot dogs, salami and sausages, you can cook meat at home.
  2. Fries: Excessive consumption of fried foods is another factor that can lead to the growth of cancerous cells in the body. When foods such as potatoes or meat are fried at a high temperature acrylamide A compound called Studies show that this compound has carcinogenic properties and even damages DNA. In addition, fried foods can increase oxidative tension and inflammation in the body in contact with the growth of cancerous cells. Instead of frying food, use other healthy cooking systems.
  3. Refined works: Refined flour, sugar or fat, all have the potential to put you at risk of developing cancerous cells. Studies show that highly processed sugars and carbohydrates can increase the risk of oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, which can lead to different types of cancer. Those whose diets are high in refined artifacts are at greater risk for ovarian, breast, and endometrial (uterine) cancer. Try to reduce your intake of refined trace elements by making healthy choices (organic). Honey instead of sugar, replace refined carbohydrates with whole grains, and switch from refined oil to mustard oil and plain butter.
  4. Alcohol and carbonated beverage: Both alcohol and sodas are high in refined sugar and calorie content. Too much of either fluid at random can increase the number of free radicals in the body, which can cause inflammation. Alcohol also interferes with your immune function, making it harder for your body to detect and target precancerous and cancerous cells.
  5. Canned and packaged foods: The tendency to have canned and packaged foods in Turkey is increasing slowly and steadily. You can see the market aisle full of packaged artifacts that can be cooked and shredded instantly. Packaged foods can actually make the cooking process problem-free, but they can also increase the risk of developing cancer. Many ready-to-cook food packages are coated with a chemical called Bisphenol A (BPA). When this compound dissolves in food, it can cause hormonal imbalances, changes in DNA, and cancer.

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