
5 Ways to Reduce the Harms of Birth Control Pills

1284 okunma — 27 June 2023 00:00
5 Ways to Reduce the Harms of Birth Control Pills

Do you use or presumably plan to take birth control pills? Continue reading our article to find out how you can take care of your body in this respite to reduce the waste and possible side effects of birth control pills.

5 Ways to Reduce the Waste of Birth Control Pills

The physician who prescribed your birth control pill will be your final guide. The physician who prescribed the contraceptive pill will be your final guide, but it is always reasonable to be as informed as possible about any drug you take.

There are several reasons why a woman might start using birth control pills. While some use it for its main purpose, namely to prevent pregnancy, others may use it for various reasons, such as skin pigmentation and acne, to normalize the menstrual cycle or to reduce bleeding, under the supervision of a physician. Birth control pills, the associated risks and 5 possible ways to reduce these side effects are in our article.

Follow the Rainbow Diet

Avoiding the side effects of the birth control pill

The birth control pill leads to the depletion of a wide variety of nutrients in our body, such as vitamin B, zinc, selenium and magnesium. Therefore, it is valuable to consume foods that are strong in these nutrients. A rainbow diet of colorful fruits and vegetables will ensure healthy eating.

Green and leafy vegetables are a powerful source of B vitamins, C, E and magnesium. So don’t forget to include it in your diet even if you don’t like it. Vitamin B is also found in eggs, meat, fish and seafood. Some of them are also rich in zinc. You should also include nuts and berries in your diet, as they are also a powerful source of nutrients and will help in the long run. Pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame and sunflower seeds are also loaded with zinc and selenium.

If you think that you are not getting the right amount of nutrients from your daily diet, you can ask your doctor to recommend a multi-vitamin. There is no harm in getting support under the supervision of a physician.

Ensure a Healthy Liver

Avoiding the harms of the birth control pill

Your birth control pill has an effect on your body as a whole. However, the effect on our liver may be slightly greater, as more than one of our hormones are metabolized in our liver. One of the many reasons for this is nutrient deficiency. Our liver is responsible for hormone metabolism and our body’s detox system, which in turn depends on certain nutrients and minerals. A nutrient-rich diet is therefore valuable. An infusion of a decaffeinated herbal tea such as basil can aid detoxification in the liver.

Take care of your gut health

While using the birth control pill

About 70-80 percent of our hormones are secreted in our intestines or in our digestive system, which connects with our brain. For this reason, it is extremely valuable that we have optimum intestinal health. Add a quality probiotic to your diet. A probiotic that can be found simply in our homes is curd, buttermilk and yoghurt. Bone broth helps beautify the intestines and reduces inflammation. Inflammatory foods such as refined sugars, refined oils and refined carbohydrates worsen gut health.

Avoid Stress and Sleep Well

Does the birth control pill cause tension?

It has been repeatedly proven that women taking the pill sometimes react inappropriately and overreact to situations that can be managed with logical thinking. That’s why it’s also valuable to keep your tension level under control. Practice mind-body therapy. Pamper yourself with a massage in the middle, mindfulness, daily practice, meditation or yoga, read a book, pick up a hobby, as these work great at relieving tension.

Follow your natural body clock. Deep sleep is a condition for the rejuvenation of our body. The length of the day helps to repair the tissue damage that our body experiences and also contributes to the strengthening of hormonal health. Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day as it will help you start the day again and in a satisfied mood.

Monitor Your Symptoms

birth control pill symptoms

If you are on the pill, your body may not always give you visible symptoms. So pay attention to your body and what it is trying to tell you. If your pill doesn’t make you feel right, go back to your doctor. At the same time, you may want to give your body some time to adjust to the new normal.

While on the pill, we should be aware that the connection between our brain and ovaries stops and this must be re-established by leaving the pill. Therefore, after understanding the root cause of these issues, it is valuable to consider a more holistic approach to treating these medical issues.

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