
6 Best Ways to Cut Calories from Coffee

1242 okunma — 17 July 2023 14:30
6 Best Ways to Cut Calories from Coffee

There are easy ways to cut the calories in your morning coffee. If you’re worried that coffee is affecting your waistline, implement these small changes and you’ll see amazing results in no time.

Discover the Best Ways to Cut Calories from Coffee

While black coffee itself is only one low calorie, adding milk, flavoring, and sugar can increase the calorie count of coffee pretty quickly. Fortunately, there are easy hacks to make your daily coffee a little healthier.

1. Cut the Sugar

If you are a sugary coffee drinker, cut back on sugar. Try reducing two teaspoons to one and a half teaspoons, and if possible gradually decrease to one or even half a teaspoon. Adding spices like cinnamon can help balance the flavor.

2. Choose Low-Fat Milk

Coffee and milk is a fantastic combination, but one that your body does not need at the same time. An easy way to cut calories from your morning coffee is to switch to low-fat milk. You can even try other types of milk, such as almond and soy, as they don’t contain as many calories as cow’s milk. They also add a nice and different flavor to the coffee.

3. Don’t Drink Too Much

Even if you drink low-calorie coffee, too many cups will only waste your efforts. One way to cut calories in coffee drinks is to simply reduce your intake. If you’re drinking 4 glasses a day, reduce it to 2 glasses. Replace it with a healthy drink, such as a healthy drink, or start the day with a glass of warm water, lemon and honey.

4. If You’re Drinking Out, State What You Want

Going to a cafe for a cup of your favorite latte or cappuccino is very satisfying. However, it’s no secret that many calorie-dense ingredients can go into these caffeinated beverages. The next time you go to a cafe, ask the barista to cut down on the milk and cream.

5. Try to Make Your Own Coffee

Yes, it can be a pain to make your own coffee when there is a cafe with a coffee machine, but your wellness will thank you for it! With fewer ingredients supported by your desire to cut calories, you can control how much sugar, milk, and cream is added. You will also improve your coffee making skills!

6. Drink Iced Coffee If Possible

Ice replaces liquid, which means you drink less with it. If you want to cut your calorie count even further, drink plain iced coffee with just half a spoonful of sugar. If you can skip the sugar, it’s even better. You can always add cinnamon or nutmeg for extra taste. These tips for cutting calories from your morning coffee will help you enjoy your favorite beverage without worrying too much about your waistline. They’re easy changes to make, but they produce big results that you’ll soon notice.

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