
7 Exercises You Can Do Using Just a Pillow

1390 okunma — 01 July 2023 00:00
7 Exercises You Can Do Using Just a Pillow

You don’t need to go to the gym all the time to stay in shape. As a result, you can fire up your muscles in the comfort of your own home and all you need is a pillow and a comfortable surface to lie on. How to exercise with a pillow? In our article with both visual and written explanation…

strength exercise

How to: Lie on your stomach. Your belly button should be approximately in the middle of the mat. Put a pillow in the middle of your knees. Start with the exhale, press your ankles together as you exhale, tighten your glutes and lift your legs while keeping them straight, hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat 5 times. Rest for 5-10 seconds in the middle of each rep. Next, try raising only your arms, pulling your shoulders down from your back as if you were putting your shoulder blades in your back pockets. Then try on the arms and legs together, keeping your eyes looking down so you don’t twist your neck.

Benefits:Strengthens hip and ankle muscles.

Pillow compression bridge exercise

How to: Start on your back with your knees bent and the pillow in the middle of your knees. Lift your hips up and create a bridge. Keep your ribs in line with your pelvis. Lift your pelvis, gently squeeze your pillow 20 times. Lower the pelvis and bring your knees to your chest and relax your back. Then repeat twice for a total of 3 sets.

Benefits:This workout strengthens your abs and hips.

How to: Lie facedown on a mat or hard padded surface. Hold a pillow in the middle of your knees. Lift your legs up. When your legs reach 90°, lift your hips off the ground. Repeat this move for 20 seconds.

Benefits:It strengthens the abdominal muscles, helps to create a more adequate posture.

Pigeon Movement

How to: Place a pillow on the floor. Get down on your pillow. Bring one knee under your chest and leave the other leg right behind you. Then push your hands forward to lift your head, chest, and shoulders. Relax your arms over the pillow. Close your eyes and rest here for 3 minutes, then switch legs.

Benefits:This workout helps to stretch the hip area, improve posture and lower cortisol levels, relieving tension.

Pillow pressing exercise with knee

How to: Get on the ground. Your feet should be flat on the ground, with your toes pointing straight ahead. Your hips should be in a straight line with your hips in a bent form. Your knees are bent 90° and directly on your feet. Place a firm pillow directly in the middle of your knees and squeeze the pillow for 10 seconds before it loosens. You can also do this exercise while sitting in a chair.

Benefits:It helps strengthen your knees by working your inner thigh muscles and prevents knee pain.

handshake exercise

How to: Put your elbows on a pillow. Make a fist and squeeze slowly. Then slowly open your palms and relax.

Benefits:Clenching the hands helps strengthen the wrists and biceps muscles.

Belly melting pillow exercise

How to: Sit on the sofa with your knees bent, your feet flat on the seat cushion, and your back straight. Place a pillow in the middle of your knees. Lean back, quickly grab the back of your thighs under the knees, and keep your chin straight to your chest. Squeeze into the pillow as you slowly move downwards until your arms are straight and your head is almost on the sofa behind you. Take 4 to 5 deep breaths. Then come back slowly. Repeat 8 to 10 times.

Benefits:Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and inner thighs.

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