
Are Sleeping Pills Harmful, What Are The Side Effects?

2610 okunma — 25 November 2022 02:00
Are Sleeping Pills Harmful What Are The Side Effects

Whether sleeping pills are wasted It is very curious by those who have sleep problems and it is researched whether sleeping pills have side effects. Sleeping at least 6 hours a day is a requirement for humans. Difficulties experienced in falling asleep, frequent sleep interruptions and sleep disorders experienced despite being tired are mostly mental disorders. Those who have complaints in this form use sleeping pills to get rid of these ailments.

Is It Harmful To Use Sleeping Pills?

On the issue of whether sleeping pills are wasteful Does sleeping pills kill? Answers are sought in the form of questions. As with any medicine, there are also side effects and some losses in sleeping pills. However, when sleeping pills, which are frequently preferred in the treatment of mental disorders, are used on the advice of a physician;

  • Relief from physical and mental fatigue,
  • Preventing sleep disorders,
  • In the treatment of psychological disorders

It gives successful results and has a positive effect on human life. The use of sleeping pills of this type should be avoided, as the setbacks of sleeping pills that are available without a doctor’s advice and are available without a prescription are more than the benefits they provide.

When Should Sleeping Medication Be Used?

Sleeping pills available without a prescription Although the answer to the question is answered positively, the drugs bought without a prescription from pharmacies are drugs produced in the form of herbal active ingredients at lower doses than prescription drugs. Although the side effects of these drugs are less than prescription drugs, the fact that sleeping pills can be addictive should never be forgotten.

Prescription sleeping pills are drugs with green prescription, red prescription and ordinary prescription. These drugs, which are mostly prescribed by psychiatrists, aim to prevent sleep disorders and reduce mental problems. Each prescription sleeping pill may have a different effect on different people. For this reason, if you have not seen the expected benefit from a prescription sleeping pill, it is useful to consult your doctor.

Are There Possible Side Effects of Sleeping Medicines?

Sleeping pills are widely used by those who have sleep problems, tension and mental disorders. Sleeping pills are available in prescription and over-the-counter types. If you have decided to use sleeping pills, it is definitely useful to do this on the advice of your doctor. Because the expected benefit from sleeping pills creates side effects over time and negatively affects your health. Sleeping pill side effects;

  • Causing addictions that make you want to use it continuously and require dose increase,
  • Triggering disorders such as depression and high blood pressure,
  • Effects such as falling, dizziness, fainting in elderly people,
  • Negative conditions such as the risk of early death,
  • Results that damage the brain such as Alzheimer’s and forgetfulness,
  • Morning drowsiness, loss of attention such as traffic accidents

Care should be taken when using sleeping pills due to its significant side effects. If sleeping pills are preferred as a treatment system, the dose size and drug use processes determined by your physician should be followed.

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