
Causes and Treatment of High Creatinine

2062 okunma — 24 November 2022 21:00
Causes and Treatment of High Creatinine

Treating high creatinine First of all, the underlying causes of the height must be found. As a result of tests performed by physicians, it is a sign that individuals with high keratin costs have problems in their kidneys. Usual value of creatininein adult humans, compared to infants and individuals with one kidney;

  • 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dl in men
  • It should be 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dl in women.
  • In babies, the usual keratin cost should be 0.2 mg/dl.
  • Keratin values ​​of individuals with one kidney should be between 1.8 and 1.9 mg/dl.

In order to reduce the value of keratin, the underlying causes should be investigated and All questions about high creatinine and while investigating the causes, help from specialist physicians should definitely be sought. In addition, life-style changes and appropriate diet program applications should be made to help reduce keratin levels by making supplementary applications.

Foods That Can Increase Keratin Levels

Excessively consumed proteins cause increases in keratin levels. Especially the consumption of cooked meat is in the middle of problematic foods with high keratin levels. People who get their protein from vegetables, such as beans, by reducing their consumption of red meat and milk, may experience a decrease in keratin levels, which are high.

It is known that consumption of fibrous food has a lowering effect on the level of keratin and dietary fibers reduce the level of keratin in chronic kidney patients. Fruits that lower creatinine, vegetables and whole grain products are foods containing fiber and the consumption of these foods helps to reduce the level of keratin.

Rosemary Cure for the Height of Keratin

Plants that lower creatinine İbrahim Saracoğlu It is effective in the treatment of kidney failure with the rosemary cure recommended by Requirements to prepare rosemary cure and how to use it;

  • 1 glass of chlorine-free boiled water,
  • Add 1 teaspoon of rosemary.
  • It should be boiled on low heat for 9 minutes by closing the mouth.
  • It should be filtered while it is hot.
  • Rosemary water to be consumed as warm is consumed 1 hour before meals every morning and evening.
  • No sweetener, etc., is added during consumption. should not be added.
  • The rosemary cure should be continued uninterruptedly for 21 days.
  • After 21 days, the medium should be given for 3 days and the application should be continued for 21 days.
  • Rosemary cure application will be completed after 42 days of cure.
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