Gemini Zodiac Sign

  • Symbol:Gemini
  • Element:Air
  • Attribute:Variable
  • Color:Light green, yellow
  • Day:Wednesday
  • Lucky numbers:5, 7
  • Lucky stones:Aquamarine, Agate, Topaz, Citrine, Tourmaline
  • Ruling planet:Mercury (planet of communication and communication)

Gemini Zodiac Characteristics:

Gemini is in the air group of the zodiac sign. Its color is green and yellow. What month is Gemini? We seem to hear you say… Gemini people were born between May 21 and June 20. So, what is the element of Gemini? What is your Gemini’s favorite color, lucky day? In our article, which we discussed with the strengths and weaknesses of the Gemini zodiac, we listed the positive and negative characteristics of the Gemini zodiac sign. Let’s examine the good and bad traits of Gemini in detail. (For the characteristics of Gemini, daily and weekly comments, you can check our related page: Gemini)

Positive Traits of Gemini

1. Curious: Gemini always attracts attention with their curious nature. Since Gemini is curious, he definitely has knowledge about every subject. If you lack knowledge about something, definitely get support from Gemini, they will offer you different ways.

2. Enthusiasm for learning new things: You can always find Gemini learning different information. This comes from their monotonous shy nature. Even when they are idle at home, they always organize activities that can increase their knowledge.

3. Compatible: Gemini is always compatible. Whether you change a schedule or make a last-minute plan change, Gemini will not make this a big problem and will adapt to the new plan immediately.

4. Practical intelligence: If you have a Gemini co-worker in your business life, then we can say that your work may become a little easier. Because Gemini has the ability to solve any problem with his practical intelligence.

5. He rules communication: Since Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, the communication channel is asked from him! If you are a Gemini, we can say that you can be quite good in communication. Also, if you are friends with a Gemini, we can say that you may be exposed to word games, frequent jokes and quick talk.

Negative Traits of Gemini

1. Inconsistent: The most obvious negative feature of Gemini is that it is absolutely inconsistent. Even within 5 minutes, Gemini’s mood, situation, opinion of you or the activity they will do can change. He can be good in one moment and bad in another, or if he is very happy today, he can be very unhappy tomorrow.

2. Unstable: Gemini is known to have a dual character, this is true. Making decisions is never for him. Never consult Gemini if ​​you are in the process of making a decision because they are quite indecisive in their own life so they may have a hard time giving you advice.

3. Too talkative: Gemini can talk unnecessarily and too much. You may even get bored of Gemini’s talk and get away from them because their incessant talk can overwhelm you. Gemini does not like silence, so they suppress this silence with their speech.

4. May exhibit exaggerated behavior: Gemini can sometimes exhibit exaggerated behaviors. You may witness that he exaggerates even a small event. For example, if there is a situation that upsets them, they may exaggerate the situation.

5. Ambitious and deceitful: Gemini is ambitious, this is not a bad trait, but they can sometimes overdo this ambition and exhibit deceptive deception. He is always in a state of greed, even in a normal event, he can become greedy and go to war with those around him.

Signs Gemini Compatible With

Gemini-Libra Zodiac Sign
Gemini-Sagittarius Sign
Gemini-Aquarius Sign

Signs Gemini Cannot Understand

Gemini Zodiac Sign-Scorpio
Gemini Zodiac Sign Cancer

Zodiac Sings