
Herbal Treatment of Hernia, Natural Remedy

984 okunma — 24 June 2023 16:00
Herbal Treatment of Hernia Natural Remedy

Hernia herbal treatment Care should be taken when choosing the natural methods of hernia analysis. Often seen in the waist or length, hernia can cause severe pain and limitation of movement. It is necessary to consult a doctor for this ailment.

many people movements that destroy the hernia He looks at what’s going on on the internet and tries to make these moves. Unconscious actions can lead to much bigger problems. But some wasteless systems can also be tried to relieve hernia pain.

Hernia herbal treatment

Herbal Cures for Hernia Pain

Cures prepared from various plants can be consumed to relieve hernia pain. There is no harm in these cures. Therefore, it can easily be used as an analysis formula. İbrahim Saraçoğlu recommends the one prepared with cones as a cure for hernia. To prepare this cure, it is necessary to put 5 grams of cones in a glass of water and boil them for 10 minutes. Drinking a glass of pine cone cure a day will especially cure herniated disc.

Another cure is the one prepared with bay leaves. Prepared by boiling 10 grams of bay leaves with water, this tea can be consumed twice a day. Apart from this, fennel cure is often recommended for individuals with hernia problems. About 5 grams of fennel seeds are thrown into the boiling water and it is expected to brew for a while. This tea can also be drunk once or twice a day.

Hernia Prevention Methods

There are some precautions that can be taken to avoid the problem of hernia. One of these measures is proper nutrition. In the researches, it was concluded that regular nutrition prevents hernia. In particular, consuming foods high in calcium is perfect for the prevention of hernia. Apart from that, regularly neck waist exercises It is also in the middle of the systems that prevent re-hernia. But people with hernia should not do these exercises without consulting their doctor.

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