
Herbal Treatment of Varicose Veins, Natural Remedy

1786 okunma — 18 June 2023 12:00
Herbal Treatment of Varicose Veins Natural Remedy

We have researched the herbal treatment and natural treatments of varicose veins for you. Plants and cures that are good for varicose veins are with you in our article… What is suitable for varicose veins at home?

Herbal Treatment of Varicose Veins, Natural Remedy

Herbal treatment of varicose veinsSome systems used are:

  • Echinacea:It is consumed by making tea. to varicose veinsand it is good for the pain caused by these veins.
  • Guggul: blood circulation Since it has an increasing effect, it reduces the appearance of varicose veins and inflammation. It has made its name known by using it in Ayurvedic medicine.
  • Parsley Juice: Add 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley to boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Afterwards, it is filtered and drunk 2 glasses a day on an empty stomach. Since parsley affects the circulation system, it is also very useful for varicose veins.
  • Horsetail Tea: A tablespoon of horsetail and a glass of water are boiled for 10 minutes and left to brew. It is necessary to drink regularly at least 3 days a week. You can also drink 2 or 3 glasses a day. It is a mixture that increases circulation and strengthens capillaries.

Guaranteed Herbal Treatment Method for Varicose Veins

An herbal formula can be applied for varicose veins with 1 liter of white spirit and 4 pieces of kafirun. It is recommended to do it before going to bed at night. Mixing the kafiruns in the spirit water and keeping it waiting, then your heirs it is necessary to ride on it. After applying it, it should be covered with stretch film and kept in that way until the morning.

Herbal treatment of varicose veins

Why Does Varicose Occur?

Conditions where varicose veins occur include:

  • Pregnancy
  • genetic conditions
  • weight gain
  • Hormones
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