
How Does Eardrum Perforation Happen? How does it go?

1161 okunma — 30 July 2023 20:30
How Does Eardrum Perforation Happen How does it go

The eardrum is a thin layer of membrane that separates the ear canal from the external environment. The eardrum is very valuable in terms of regulating the pressure in the ear and maintaining the hearing function.

The eardrum consists of three layers. The outer layer consists of skin tissue, while the middle layer has a cartilage and bony structure. The inner layer consists of the mucous membrane. Having these three layers in one middle makes the eardrum both flexible and strong.
The functions of the eardrum are:

  1. Sound collection: The eardrum collects the sounds from the external environment and transmits them to the middle ear cavity inside the ear.
  2. Pressure regulation: It helps to regulate the pressure in the middle of the eardrum, middle ear and external environment. The eardrum is connected to the eustachian tube, which has a small opening that allows the pressure to equalize with the external environment.
  3. Providing protection: The eardrum protects the middle ear region inside the ear from external factors. For example, the eardrum roughens the water that accumulates in the outer ear from entering the middle ear.

In short, the eardrum is very valuable for maintaining hearing function. When the eardrum is damaged, hearing loss and other health issues can occur. For this reason, it is valuable to have a systematic ear examination in order to protect the eardrum and maintain the health of the ear.

Causes of Perforation of the Eardrum

Perforation of the eardrum is a condition that occurs as a result of damage or rupture of the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin layer of membrane that separates the ear canal from the external environment and is valuable for regulating the pressure inside the ear and maintaining hearing function.
Perforation of the eardrum can be caused by many reasons. In the middle of these:

  • Foreign body entering the ear
  • severe ear infections
  • Exposure to high sound intensity
  • Ear trauma or head trauma
  • Pressure changes (for example, when traveling to high altitudes)

Symptoms of perforation of the eardrum may include pain, hearing loss, fluid accumulation in the ear, ringing or buzzing in the ear, dizziness, and ear infection.
In the case of a perforation of the eardrum, what should be done is to use earplugs to prevent water leakage in the ear, or to protect your ears by plugging cotton during the bath, using ear drops and taking the medications recommended by your doctor.
In the case of a perforation of the eardrum, treatment may vary depending on the severity and cause of the damage. In some cases, the eardrum may heal on its own, while surgical intervention may be required in some cases. You should consult an otolaryngologist for treatment.

How is the Perforation of the Eardrum Passed?​

In case of perforation of the eardrum, the treatment procedure may vary depending on the severity, cause and symptoms of the damage. The offers mentioned here are for general information purposes only, and in case of perforation of the eardrum, the best thing to do is to act in accordance with the treatment formulas recommended by an otolaryngologist.

What to do in case of perforation of the eardrum:

  1. Taking time to rest and beautify: Perforation of the eardrum may heal on its own in some cases. Therefore, first of all, it is valuable to give time to rest and beautify. If the eardrum damage is severe, it will be useful to stay away from water, wind or loud noise levels for the time recommended by your doctor.
  2. Using the medicines your doctor recommends:In case of perforation of the eardrum, your doctor may prescribe medications such as ear drops or antibiotics to reduce pain and the risk of infection.
  3. Surgical intervention: If the hole in the eardrum is too large or if it is not possible to adapt on its own, surgical intervention may be required. This intervention is a process that is usually performed under local anesthesia and involves placing a patch on the ruptured or perforated area of ​​the eardrum.
  4. Eardrum-protecting treatment:Persons at high risk of perforation of the eardrum (for example, diving sports) may require special treatment to protect the eardrum.

What to do in case of a perforation of the eardrum may vary depending on the severity and cause of the damage. For this reason, it is valuable for anyone who suspects eardrum perforation to consult an otolaryngologist and act in accordance with the recommended treatment formulas.

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