
How to Make a Diet List to Lose 3 kg in 1 Week?

2129 okunma — 21 June 2023 12:30
How to Make a Diet List to Lose 3 kg in 1 Week

There are various diet lists that can be applied to lose 3 kilos a week. Standard diet listsThe weights that are being lost are spread over time and there are long-term programs.

How to make a diet that loses 3 kilos in 1 week?

There are diet lists that provide weight loss in the long term, as well as diets that provide 3 kilos in 1 week. Thanks to these types of diets, which can be applied especially before holidays and special days, it is possible to achieve the desired fit appearance within a short period of time.

3 kilos diet in 7 days

Diet List to Lose 3 Weights per Week

Losing 3 kilos in 1 week Thanks to the diet list to be applied, it is possible to ensure that some of the lost weight goes from the adipose tissues. Although it is not possible to melt completely pure fat tissues in a short time; Thanks to this diet, at least some of the weight can be lost from fat. Personalized diet lists Except for this shock diet, which is made to reach the desired weakness in a fast time; The insulin level in the body decreases and the stored carbohydrates are removed from the body.

What is the Operating Principle of the Program?

As long as the program runs, the nutrient load in the digestive system is alleviated. Carbohydrates in the form of glycogen in the body vary in the middle of approximately 300 to 500 grams, while the amount of water in the body triples and changes place in the middle of 1-1.5 kilograms. As a result of the diet applied, thanks to the decreased insulin level, the excess sodium in the kidneys is excreted and the water level held by the body decreases.

Sample Diet List to Lose 3 Kilos in 1 Week

Diet List to Lose 3 Weight in 1 Week

1. Day Diet List


  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • Orange 1 Piece
  • 1 bowl of cereal


  • 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread
  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • 1 tea without sugar

Evening meal

  • Brown Rice Half A Cup Of Water.
  • 1 Plate of Green Beans with Mushrooms
  • Banana 1 Piece

2 daysDiet list


  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • 1 bowl of Cereal
  • 1 banana
  • Unsweetened Tea (1 Tea Cup)


  • Spicy shrimp salad
  • 1 Bowl of Lettuce Salad
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
  • 1 Bowl of Fruit Yogurt

Evening meal

  • 1 bowl of brussels sprouts salad
  • Half portion chicken
  • Peach 1 pc
  • Half bowl of pasta
3 Weight Loss Diet

3 daysDiet list


  • 1 whole wheat bread
  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • ½ cup of fresh blueberries
  • Half a tablespoon of cream cheese


  • 1 bowl of mixed salad (you can add 1 tablespoon of oil.)
  • 1 fresh pineapple (half)
  • 1 slice of oat bran bread

Evening meal

  • 1 portion of Spinach (sauteed)
  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • Shrimp Salad with Sauce
  • 1 orange

4 daysDiet list


  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • 1 bowl of cereal
  • 1 slice of small wholemeal bread
  • 50 grams of nuts
  • 2 walnuts


  • 1 bowl of mixed salad
  • 1 portion fish stew
  • Half a bowl of caesar salad
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread

Evening meal

  • half a bowl of brown rice
  • Half portion chicken breast (grilled)
  • Fennel salad with thyme (half bowl)
  • Mango

5 daysDiet list


  • 1 ball of eggs
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
  • Half a glass of skim milk


  • 1 Half Grapefruit


  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • 1 bowl of mixed salad
  • 1 bowl of chicken broth soup
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread

Evening meal

  • 150 grams of tenderloin
  • 1 handful of strawberries

6 daysDiet list


  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • Whole Wheat Muffin with Dried Fruit (1 Piece)
  • Half tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
  • 2 walnuts


  • Half skim milk
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
  • Half a serving of green beans
  • 1 bowl of watermelon

Evening meal

  • 100 grams of tenderloin
  • Half bowl of brown rice
  • Mixed Peas Salad
  • 1 small slice of melon
1 Week Diet List

7 daysDiet list


  • 1 ½ cup skim milk
  • 1 orange
  • 1 bowl of cereal


  • 100 grams of tenderloin
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
  • 1 bowl of mixed salad
  • 1 apricot

Evening meal

  • Half a glass of skim milk
  • 1 bowl of mixed salad
  • 1 tablespoon low-calorie caesar salad
  • 150 grams of tenderloin
  • ½ cup of brown rice
  • 1 peach

Note:We recommend that you consult your doctor before dieting.

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