
How to Make Homemade Fast Hair Growth Tonic? 8 Step Recipe

1394 okunma — 27 June 2023 20:00
How to Make Homemade Fast Hair Growth Tonic 8 Step Recipe

With the definition of residential natural hair growth tonic, thin and non-growth hair will now be extraordinary. Ah, my hair is falling out every day and I don’t know what to do with this bet. Someone please tell me what to do for my fine hair. It looks like “my hair can’t grow back”. Don’t you hear these medical questions resounding from everywhere around you? The level of pollution in cities can really damage our hair. But the truth is that many people who complain about hair troubles do nothing to take care of their hair in the first place!

More than one lacks the basics on how to pamper their hair. So today I decided to share with you my secret for long, healthy hair!

What are the Benefits of Mustard Oil for Hair?

If you are having a lot of hair problems, we will share with you some home remedies you can use to get your strong and shiny hair back. Mustard oil is an ingredient that can help get rid of split ends, hair loss, dandruff and nourish your hair. Mustard is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help your hair grow faster and healthier, making it thicker, stronger and shinier. It helps to grow again as it contains protein and beta-carotene. The antibacterial and antifungal properties help with zeal with fungal infections of the scalp keeping dandruff away.

Where Did I Hear About This Residential Hair Tonic?​

About 3 years ago, I had a passion for growing my hair and heeded a random advice about hair growth. A friend gave me this description of fast hair growth and assured me that it works. He had bought this magic potion (so to speak) from a hairdresser. And it lengthened my hair like magic and the hair fall stopped!

How to Make Home Made Fast Hair Growth Tonic?​

Hair Extension Tonic Ingredients

  • mustard oil
  • fenugreek seeds

How is Hair Growth Tonic Made? 8 Step Recipe

  1. Take about half a liter of mustard oil.
  2. Pour it all into a pan to be heated.
  3. Take 2 handfuls of fenugreek seeds.
  4. Drop half of the amount shown in the pan containing oil.
  5. Ignite the stove and put the pan with oil on low heat. Do not boil the oil by keeping it on high heat. Wait for the seeds to darken slowly. This takes about 10-15 minutes.
  6. Now turn off the stove and set the pan aside for about 30 minutes, wait for the oil to cool.
  7. After the specified time, strain the oil in a bottle or any preferred storage container. Discard the seeds.
  8. You can see the difference in the color of the oil in a clear form. Mustard oil is often golden brown where it turns blackish brown with fenugreek extract after being heated with its seeds. Not only that, but the scent is also changing; You can recognize fenugreek extract by smelling the oil. Your residential natural hair growth tonic is ready.

How to Use Hair Growth Tonic?​

Lubricate your hair with this elixir the night before you plan to wash your hair. If you do not have such a plan, massage with it at least 1 hour before washing the head, but another system will give more appropriate results in my experience. So multi-step procedure to follow every 3 days and no hassle work. Believe me, I am living proof that this tonic works like magic!

Not only does it accelerate hair growth, it also turns hair brown with use for a while. If you like brown hair, use it as an alternative with amla hair oil. I have passed this definition on to many of my friends and they have witnessed more than one extraordinary result.

Alternative Mask Suggestions to Add Volume to Your Hair

If you want to have both length and volume, use this tonic. olive oil You can mix it equally or slightly. Individually, this tonic increases the length of my hair and the olive oil increases the volume of my hair; So I suggest you try this combination as well.

Anti-dandruff mustard oil hair mask

To make this anti-dandruff hair mask, soak 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. The next day, add 1 tablespoon of mustard oil, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of fenugreek in the blender. Mix well until you get a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse with a mild herbal shampoo and towel dry your hair. Use this hair mask twice a week for better results.

Mustard Oil And Aloe Vera Mask For Hair Growth​

To make this nourishing hair mask, mix 1 tablespoon of mustard oil with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Apply this mixture to your scalp by massaging it properly. After 30 minutes wash it off with some herbal shampoo and air dry or towel dry your hair. Use this medicine twice a week.

Note:You need to be patient and make this a permanent part of your hair care regimen, because unless you’re a descendant of Rapunzel, hair doesn’t grow overnight! Tonic for hair growthIt’s that easy, it will give you the hair of your dreams.

Try it and come back to share your experience with us!

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