
Intrauterine Wound Herbal Treatment

2015 okunma — 29 June 2023 22:30
Intrauterine Wound Herbal Treatment

Natural treatment of intrauterine wound Yarrow is most recommended for The exact cause of the intrauterine wound is unknown. This condition can cause severe pain and bleeding. That’s why it needs to be treated. Individuals with these stylistic symptoms should consult a doctor. Those looking for a natural way at home yarrow cervical sore can be used for treatment. In addition, onion curing is an effective method again.

How to Prepare Cures for Intrauterine Wound?

Persons who will use yarrow for treatment should throw a teaspoon of yarrow into the boiling water. It is left to brew in this form for a few minutes over low heat. This cooled water should be drunk in the morning and evening. Onion cure for cervical woundThose who will apply it should also boil the onions, which they wash well, in water.

Different Intrauterine Wound Treatment Methods

how to cure cervix wound As an answer to the question, doctors usually use three different systems. These are Cauterization, Cryotherapy and Laser. After the examination, it is decided which treatment will be used.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

• Vaginal bleeding that occurs in the middle of menstrual periods and quickly lags behind sexual interest
• Pain experienced during sexual interest
• Fatigue, sudden weight loss and decreased appetite
• Vaginal discomfort and smelly discharge from the vagina
• Swelling in one leg
• Pain during urination

Risk Group for Cervical Cancer

Risk factors for cervical cancer can be listed as follows:

• HPV Infection
• Sexual intercourse before the age of 16
• Presence of more than one sexual partner
• Smoking
• Irregularity in eating habits
• Having given birth to many children
• Low socioeconomic conditions
• Using periodic birth control pills for more than 5 years

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