
Is My Baby Healthy? What is Ninalia NIPT? What is Fetal DNA Test?

1185 okunma — 10 July 2023 12:00
Is My Baby Healthy What is Ninalia NIPT What is Fetal DNA Test

Pregnancy is about a milestone in human life; Before Baby (BO) and After Baby (BS)…

As you approach a process that will change all your intentions, outlook on life and conditions, step by step; Is my baby healthy worries will continue to increase throughout pregnancy. Until you take him safely in your arms.

In order to understand whether the baby in the womb (fetal) is healthy, you will go to ultrasounds, do classical screening tests (2, triple and quadruple screening tests) and try to be as sure as possible. Well, are you lucky enough to be in the earlier period and with a high degree of certainty? Yes there is now..

EUROFINS Türkiye – Ninalia NIPT​

Fetal DNA tests (aka NIPT/Non-Invasive Prenatal Test or Baby DNA Test from Mother’s Blood), which can analyze chromosomal diseases in the baby in the womb with 99.9% reliability, will eliminate your fears and provide you with the highest reliability in today’s conditions. With 1 tube of blood taken from the mother’s arm starting from the 10th week, it is possible to extract the baby DNA in this blood and to understand whether there are diseases related to the chromosomes that the doctors are trying to detect.

Eurofins, with its 800 laboratories and 60.000 employees in the world, continues to serve the health sector with the highest technology and devices by maintaining its leadership in all areas in which it is present, also in the field of Genetic Tests. As in all the tests it works, in Fetal DNA tests; It has all the necessary certificates and approvals for the report to be considered valid in Europe and the World. It performs its analyzes not with Far East and Chinese origin devices, but with high quality American devices that have the patent of this technology. In this way, the safest and least defect-free results are conveyed to you.

We have answered frequently asked questions about fetal DNA tests for you:

What is Fetal DNA Test?​

Fetal DNA tests are genetic screening tests that provide information about the chromosomal structure of the baby in the womb. From the moment the mother becomes pregnant, the baby’s DNA begins to be released from the gestational sac into the mother’s blood.

These DNAs are isolated in 1 tube of blood taken from the mother’s arm and diseases related to the baby’s chromosomes are screened.

What is Ninalia NIPT?

Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening Test, also known as NIPT, is a highly reliable screening test recommended by obstetricians or genetic counselors to screen for chromosomal disorders and risks.

The results determine whether amniocentesis (the procedure of removing a measure of fluid from the fluid containing the fetus) or other methods that require surgical intervention is necessary regarding the risk of pregnancy and the baby.

Does Ninalia NIPT Involve Random Risk?​

The NIPT test is performed by taking a tube blood sample from the mother. Due to the method of application, it does not pose any risk for the mother and the baby.

Who Can Have the Ninalia NIPT Test?​

Ninalia NIPT test can be performed on all pregnant women starting from the 10th week of pregnancy.

In Which Situations Is Ninalia NIPT Recommended?​

Ninalia NIPT is recommended for every pregnant woman regardless of risk group; It is primarily recommended by experts to pregnant women in high-risk clusters.

  • In advanced age pregnancies where the risk of Down syndrome is increased (35 years and over pregnancies),
  • Pregnant women with risky double, triple and quadruple screening tests,
  • Pregnant women who are at risk in ultrasound findings,
  • Pregnant women with this type of history in their past pregnancies
  • It is primarily preferred in pregnant women who have twin pregnancies.

Is It Possible to Diagnose With Fetal DNA Test?​

Although fetal DNA tests give reliable results as amniocentesis, which is a diagnostic technique; screening tests. It is done with the aim of making a risk assessment and deciding whether amniocentesis is needed before amniocentesis (the procedure of removing a measure of fluid from the fluid in which the fetus is present) which is a diagnostic test.

Fetal DNA testsIf an abnormality is detected in the result, the result should be confirmed with amniocentesis and CVS.

How Does the Sampling Process Happen?​

After the decision to do Ninalia NIPT after the consultation of the family and the doctor and the determination of its scope, the prescribing process is completed.

Afterwards, the sampling process begins. Ninalia NIPT sampling takes place with a single tube blood draw, which is the safest procedure for both expectant mothers and the fetus.

This process can be carried out directly in our doctors’ offices, blood collection points and laboratories.

A very practical sample is sent to laboratories for analysis.

How Does the Ninalia NIPT Process Happen?​

The stages of the Ninalia NIPT test, in which prospective parents learn whether their babies have genetic issues, take place as follows;

Expectant mothers and fathers meet with a gynecologist or genetic counselor from the 10th week of pregnancy.

In line with the medical data, a blood sample is taken by the specialist during the examination.

The sample is sent to the laboratory by the healthcare professional for testing. The results are reported to the physicians by the laboratory within about 10 days from the blood collection.

The health specialist conveys the results to the parents and informs them about the measures to be taken if necessary.

What Do the Ninalia NIPT Results Mean?​

A positive test result indicates a strong suspicion that the fetus is affected by one of the anomalies investigated.

In this case, your doctor will inform you about the additional tests that should be done to confirm the diagnosis. Doubt caused by a positive test result; It should be confirmed by amniocentesis and CVS.

A negative test result indicates that the risk of the fetus being affected by one of the investigated anomalies is very low.

In this case, your doctor will tell you if other tests need to be done. After the negative test result, pregnancy continues to be monitored throughout the process.

What are the Situations in which Ninalia NIPT cannot be concluded?​

In exceptional cases where the NIPT may not result, it is a matter of speech and therefore the test may be repeated whenever possible.

These situations are:

  1. Less than 10 weeks of pregnancy,
  2. The low rate of free fetal DNA in the mother’s blood,
  3. The mother has received blood/bone marrow transplant or stem cell therapy in the last 3 months,
  4. Presence of chronic diseases such as rheumatological and autoimmune diseases that increase maternal cell destruction,
  5. The mother’s body mass index is 35 and above.

Is Ninalia NIPT credible?

Founded in 1987, Eurofins Biomnis is the largest laboratory in Europe still operating within the Pasteur Institute. During his 120-year laboratory period, he has managed to maintain his position as chairman by adding many new analysis formulas and new tests to the branch. Since October 2014, he has chosen to collaborate with the Illumina company, world head of DNA sequencing, for non-invasive screening of major chromosomal abnormalities.

The new VeriSeq NIPT technique, non-invasive prenatal testsIt offers the most adequate performance (sensitivity, specificity, detection rate, etc.) currently available for

The detection rate for trisomy 21, 18 and 13 is >99.9%.

Hundreds of thousands of Ninalia tests have been performed to date.

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