
Kids will love it! Homemade chocolate profiteroles recipe is very easy to make.

2491 okunma — 06 November 2022 21:00
Kids will love it Homemade chocolate profiteroles recipe is very easy to make

One of the favorite desserts of chocolate addicts is profiteroles. Although it may seem long and difficult to make, you will see that it is worth it when you get to the eating stage. You can easily make profiteroles with this recipe.


1 glass of water

1 cup of flour

125 g butter or margarine

3 eggs (4 if eggs are small)

For Profiterole Cream;

2.5 cups of milk

3 tablespoons of flour

1.5 teaspoons of sugar

1 egg

1 packet of vanilla

For the above

1 pack of instant chocolate sauce or 80 g dark chocolate melted in a bain-marie


First, let’s prepare the dough for the profiteroles. Put 1 glass of water and margarine in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add 1 cup of flour and mix well. Cook the mixture for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the stove and wait 10-15 minutes for the dough to cool. After the dough has rested for a while, we need to feed 3 eggs into the dough, but there is an important detail at this point. Crack the eggs into the dough one by one, and don’t break the other egg until one has been thoroughly eaten. After thoroughly feeding the eggs into the dough, we got a sticky dough. This part is a bit tiring, but you need to mix it well for the dough to rise. After the eggs are eaten, rest the dough for 10 minutes.
With the help of a spoon, take walnut-sized pieces of the dough and pour them into the greased tray, paying attention to the 2-3 cm gap between them, as in the picture. Do not try to shape it with your hands. Put the dough in the oven, which we previously heated at 180 degrees. Bake for about 40 minutes until golden brown.
After the dough is cooked, prepare the cream. Cook the cream by putting all the ingredients except vanilla in a saucepan. After removing the cream from the heat, add the vanilla and mix.
Let’s fill the cream into the profiteroles dough. Divide the cooked dough of profiteroles into two or fill them with cream using a cream squeezing bag, if any, and place them on the tray.
Let’s drizzle chocolate sauce on our dessert. After filling all the profiteroles, drizzle the chocolate sauce or the chocolate you melted in a bain-marie.


You can melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. You can put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and put it in the boiling water. Make sure that the chocolate does not come into contact with the water. The chocolate will melt with the heat it receives from the hot water.

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