
Mediterranean Diet for Fertility

1071 okunma — 28 July 2023 02:30
Mediterranean Diet for Fertility

The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables and legumes, has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. Now, new research shows that it can help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and cost-effective strategy for couples trying to conceive.

The review, led by Monash University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, and the University of South Australia, found that the Mediterranean diet can improve male fertility, assisted reproductive technology (ART) success, and sperm quality.

Specifically, the researchers determined that the anti-inflammatory properties of a Mediterranean diet could improve couples’ chances of conceiving.

Infertility is a global health problem affecting 48 million couples and 186 million people worldwide.

UniSA researcher Dr Evangeline Mantzioris says changing diet is a noninvasive and potentially effective way to improve fertility outcomes.

“Deciding to have a baby is one of the biggest decisions in life, but if things don’t go as planned, it can be very stressful for both partners,” says Dr Mantzioris.

“Studies show that inflammation can affect fertility for both men and women by affecting sperm quality, menstrual cycles, and implantation. Therefore, in this study, we wanted to see how a diet that reduces inflammation — such as the Mediterranean diet — could improve fertility results.

“Encouragingly, we found well-balanced evidence that adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet – containing lots of polyunsaturated or ‘healthy’ fats, flavonoids (like leafy green vegetables) and a finite amount of red and processed meats – can improve fertility.”

It is primarily plant-based and includes whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts, herbs and spices. Lean protein sources such as yogurt, cheese and fish, chicken or eggs; red and processed meats are only eaten in small quantities.

In contrast, a western diet contains very saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and animal protein, making it heavy in strength and deprived of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Typically, a western diet is linked to higher levels of inflammation.

Understanding the relevance of anti-inflammatory diets like the Mediterranean diet could be a game changer for couples hoping to start a family, says Monash University researcher Simon Alesi.

“The Mediterranean diet is always ranked among the healthiest diets in the world, but it’s very encouraging to know that it can also increase your chances of conceiving and having a baby,” says Alesi.

“Changing your diet is a non-intrusive and affordable strategy that can potentially ameliorate infertility.

“Of course, more research needs to be done, but at least switching to a Mediterranean diet will not only improve your overall health, it will also increase your odds of conceiving.”


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