
Skincare Guide: How to Prepare Combination Skin for Wedding Day

758 okunma — 28 July 2023 18:30
Skincare Guide How to Prepare Combination Skin for Wedding Day

The 2023 wedding season will be full of charming brides with radiant skin. Having a natural glow is a blessing for every bride-to-be. The only thing that can work in your favor is to choose the right products according to the skin type and to eat healthy.

There are ways to prepare combination skin for the wedding day. Continue reading our article to understand how brides-to-be can maintain their skin care routine.

What is Combination Skin?

The combination dermal layer is also defined as ‘mixed skin’. There are several areas of the face that remain dry while the rest of the face becomes oily. Often a T-zone is created. The forehead, chin and nose stay oily while the rest of the face stays dry.

Therefore, when choosing skin care products, you should pay attention to what you buy and where you apply it. If you apply highly moisturizing products to the oily area, you will experience problems such as acne, blackheads, acne and pore opening.

Therefore, here is an easy guide for you.

Combination Skin Cleansing

You should clean your face twice a day using mild cleansing milk or a mild face wash. If you have blackheads, use a scrub only in that area instead of applying enough all over your face.

Combination Skin Peel

In addition, you should avoid applying a scrub to the areas where you experience redness, dryness and acne. We recommend using natural peelings such as orange peel or walnut powder. These artifacts nourish the skin and remain light on the dermal layer.

There is a definition of a residential peeling. You need dried mint leaves and mix them with crushed sesame seeds and honey. It will help remove blackheads and whiteheads while repairing damage caused by the sun.

Gently rub the scrub onto your face in circular motions. After five minutes, wash your face properly.

We recommend applying benzoyl peroxide on your face before going to bed at night, it helps to remove excess oil on your face, especially in the T-zone area, and moisturizes other dry areas as well. It acts as a natural exfoliant while leaving your skin smooth, soft and flawless.

Combination Skin Toning

Rose-based toners are best suited for combination skin. Store rose water in the refrigerator, dip cotton pads in it and rub it gently into your skin. It will tighten open pores. It will benefit dry and oily areas on your face.

Combination Skin Moisturizer Application​

You have to be selective when getting it on your face. You can apply the one-to-one moisturizer in winter when even the oily area of ​​the face dries up.

The trick is to apply moisturizer to the dry part of the face and then apply a small amount to the oily area. You can even add a drop of water to your moisturizer before applying it to the T-zone. It will offer lighter coverage and prevent acne breakouts.

“Some natural ingredients can also help moisturize combination skin. Honey suits combination skin very well”. You can also add lemon juice to honey and apply it all over your face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

You can make a moisturizer from a teaspoon of pure glycerin and 50 ml of rose water. Store it in a jar and apply some of this lotion all over your face. Honey and pure glycerin are moisturizing. They attract moisture from the environment to the skin.

As a module of night care, especially in winter, dry areas of the face may need nourishment rather than oily areas. Apply a nourishing cream and massage only dry areas for two minutes. Then wipe with damp cotton wool.


A fruit mask is suitable for both oily and dry areas and can be used more often. You can pamper your skin twice a week. Mash a banana, grate an apple, take a tablespoon of papaya pulp and mix it all together.

Apply it on your face and wash it off after 15 minutes. You can also add crushed oats, ground almonds, honey and yogurt to make the mask more nutritious and heavy, so you don’t get your clothes dirty.

This mask will suit both dry and oily areas. If you are adding eggs, you can reduce the amount of yogurt. Apply to the face, but avoid around the lips and eyes. Wash off after half an hour.

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