
Slimming with prunes

1446 okunma — 23 June 2023 00:30
Slimming with prunes

Losing weight with prunes New researches made two handfuls a day prune to lose weightIt shows that it helps.

According to the news of the Daily Mail, prunes help to lose weight. Dieters are often told to stay away from dried fruits. Because dried fruits contain much more sugar than fresh ones. But new research shows that prunes are an exception.

Slimming with prunes

Slimming with prunes

It has been stated that those who consume prunes from diets stay full for a longer period of time and lose weight faster. Prunes, which are a store of fiber, suppress the feeling of hunger.

Jo Harrold, one of the researchers, is of the opinion that the benefit of prunes is more because it gives a feeling of satiety, although it contains sugar. Since prunes are known to trigger stomach problems, it is recommended that those who are just starting to consume it should take it in small quantities.

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