Taurus Zodiac Sign

  • Symbol:Taurus
  • Element:Earth
  • Attribute:Fixed
  • Color:Green, pink
  • Day:Friday, Monday
  • Lucky numbers: 6, 4
  • Lucky stones:Turquoise, Topaz, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Jade
  • Ruling planet:Venus (planet of beauty and love)

Characteristics of Taurus:

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. Taurus people were born between April 21 and May 21. What are the positive and negative aspects of Taurus? What is the ruling planet of Taurus? What is the lucky day and favorite color of Taurus? If you are looking for answers to your questions, you can find the curious information about Taurus in this article. (For the characteristics of Taurus, daily and weekly comments, you can also check our related page: Taurus)

Positive Traits of Taurus

  1. Taurus has a high aesthetic sense: A Taurus has a very high aesthetic sense. He understands art, aesthetics and everything beautiful very well. Taurus signs are generally artistic people. Appearance is also very important for the luxury-loving Taurus.
  2. They are good at making money: A Taurus loves wealth, so they are often asked to make money. They know how to manage money well.
  3. Loyal: A Taurus is always loyal. No matter what, never let go of the subject or a person in your life in your relationship or business life. You can trust a Taurus person blindly.
  4. He is determined: If you have started a business, but you are having trouble maintaining it, then the first person you will go to should be a Taurus. Taurus is determined. He never leaves a job he started until he finishes it. In addition, thanks to his perseverance and determination, he finishes the job well with his practical intelligence and hard work.
  5. He is patient: Taurus people are not in a hurry to live their lives. They spend time estimating each step and considering all the pros and cons before making any decisions. Patience is asked from Taurus.
  6. They’re honest: a Taurus would never lie to them. He is always direct and honest. That’s why he usually tells what he thinks without hesitation. He does not do this out of indiscretion; He tells it in a straight language, but he tells the truth no matter what.
  7. Their tastes are wide: Taurus loves to eat. In general, the palate tastes are developed. If you want to go to a new place for dinner or have an important meal, then the first person you will consult should be a Taurus person.

Negative Traits of Taurus

  1. They are fixed-minded: Changing a Taurus’s mind is often close to impossible. No matter what you say, they always want to do what they want or think.
  2. Self-indulgent: Taurus is a self-indulgent sign. In fact, whether these features are good or bad varies according to time and place. If they are on the border of laziness, these features are generally not liked, but they can also have a good time for themselves.
  3. Addiction: A Taurus is one of the most loyal zodiac signs. That’s why they are known for their dependent nature. Although they may seem cold and self-indulgent on the outside, they are actually incredibly loyal. These loyal habits make them dependent and they cannot easily break away from the person in front of them.
  4. They are perfectionists: Taurus loves luxury, so they can be called a perfectionist. They have a desire to have the best of everything. That’s why they work hard but if they don’t have the best it can consume them because they always exhaust themselves to reach perfection.
  5. It is unstable: Taurus has sudden ups and downs. In general, clock time modes can change. He always has trouble finding a balance, especially between work and rest. Taurus, whose mood is too volatile, can be lazy if he doesn’t work, or he can never find time for himself if he is working.
  6. Jealousy: When a Taurus starts a relationship with someone, they can’t get rid of their sense of ownership easily. They think that people belong to them and cannot accept the existence of anyone other than themselves. Taurus people can get angry if someone threatens their relationship.

Signs Taurus Compatible With

Taurus-Libra Sign

Signs Taurus Cannot Understand


Zodiac Sings