
Vagina Tightening Natural Methods

3022 okunma — 26 November 2022 06:00
Vagina Tightening Natural Methods

narrowing the vagina It is performed to compress the genital organ, which is deformed or enlarged over time, with medical methods or aesthetic operations, so to speak, to rejuvenate it. Today, vaginal tightening can be done in many natural ways and the desired result can be achieved without the need for aesthetic or medical methods.

Factors Causing Enlargement of the Vagina

  • having an abortion
  • Having sexual intercourse too often
  • Hereditary and genetic factors
  • biological problems
  • Multiple births
  • form of sexual connection
  • Aging
  • Side effects of some gynecological treatments

Exercises for Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal tightening exercises Kegel exercises, located in the middle, are performed to work and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This exercise is actually a contraction of the muscles to hold the urine. When this exercise is repeated regularly narrowing the vagina possible. Lying on the floor and raising and lowering the feet in the air is one of the exercises that works. It will be beneficial to do this exercise at least 10 times a day.

Herbal Methods That Shrink Vagina

Vaginal tightening herbs and narrowing the vagina with the systems applied to these plants can be done naturally. Some of the techniques that can be applied are as follows;

  1. Pigeon Tree Plant

Pigeon tree plant, which is a natural miracle in tightening the vagina muscles, can be applied by powdering it. After grinding the plant into powder, it should be applied to the genital area. This herbal assay shows effective results when applied once a week.

  1. Gooseberry

Gooseberry vaginal tightening It is one of the most preferred herbal formulas for Gooseberries should be put in water and boiled. After the boiled water is filtered, it should be placed in a bottle. It shows effective results when applied to the vagina area before taking a shower every day. The reason for this is that gooseberry increases the sensitivity in the vagina. In this way, the vagina regains its elasticity.

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