
What Are Cranberry Benefits (Cranberry), What Is It Good For?

2314 okunma — 01 December 2022 12:00
What Are Cranberry Benefits Cranberry What Is It Good For

Benefits of the cranberry plant It is more effective especially in urinary tract diseases and being a vitamin store. Known as red currant or tuna berry, the plant contains zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc minerals. In addition, the vitamins contained in the nut are as follows:

  • C vitamin
  • Vitamin B12
  • vitamin K
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E

Apart from these, the plant contains protein, salicylic acid and flavonoids. With the elements it contains, it has the feature of a natural pharmacy for humans.

Wounds of Tuna Nut

The benefits of the cranberry plant are listed as follows:

  • Gums are good for bleeding. It whitens teeth.
  • It prevents cancer.
  • It prevents ulcer burns.
  • It increases good cholesterol and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • It is tangential to urinary tract infections.
  • Cranberry dry weight losseither helps.

How to Use Cranberry?

The plant, also known as the red moon currant, in the middle of the ring, cranberry tablet It is sold in pharmacies. In addition, it should not be overlooked that the direct use of the plant is healthier and especially the benefits of the fresh nut brought by collecting. How much should cranberry be consumed? Although the answer to the question varies from person to person, it is not recommended for heart and diabetes patients, pregnant and lactating women without medical advice. Tuna nut, which shows a natural healing feature with the necessary aspects for human structure, can be used by adding to cakes, drinking water, sprinkling on yogurt and salads.

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