
What are the Causes of Bone Pain, Which Diseases Does It Indicate?

2794 okunma — 26 November 2022 15:00
What are the Causes of Bone Pain Which Diseases Does It Indicate

Conditions that cause bone pain It can occur due to different reasons as well as due to diseases. Although the pain in the bones is not caused by the disease, but due to daily activities, being overweight, blows and edema, experiencing bone pain all the time can be a sign of bone cancer and more risky diseases outside the bone development periods.

If your pain is not relieved even though you have rested enough, if there is someone in your family and close circle who has problems such as bone cancer, such people are evaluated in a risky cluster. Differentiating bone pain from muscle pain and revealing the symptoms are valuable in terms of making an accurate diagnosis of diseases. For this reason, the symptoms experienced should be observed and the factors causing the disease or bone pain should be determined clearly.

How to Understand that Pain in Legs and Arms Is Bone Pain?

Pain in the joints and bones is confused with muscle pain. The pains that occur at the junction of bones and bones are pains that are felt more deeply and last longer than muscle pains. I can’t sleep at night because of leg pain For someone who says, it can be thought that he has bone pain and joint pain. Because muscle pains are usually easy pains that occur in a short period of time and disappear if they are rested properly. Bone pains appear as more severe pain that disrupts the body’s form and affects the normal flow of life.

Bone pain is mostly caused by the joints that allow the bones to move together. Damages and deformities in the tissues that occur in the cartilage that brings the joints together are the most valuable cause of bone pain. Causes of bone pain;

  • Fractures and dislocations,
  • Those who have had an accident or injury before,
  • are overweight,
  • elderly people,
  • Common colds such as the flu

It appears in the form. If bone and joint pains, which are usually seen in the legs, arms, hips, knees and wrists, do not occur due to the above reasons, it may be a harbinger of the disease. For this reason, it is useful to be examined by a physician in long-term bone pain.

What Diseases Does Bone Pain Indicate?

Those who experience constant bone pain What are bone pain symptoms? seeks answers. Although many bone and joint pains occur in the form of non-important daily activities, bone pain can be a symptom of some diseases. Bone pain;

  • bone cancer,
  • Calcification,
  • Inflammations of the cartilage sac that occur in the joints, also called bursitis,
  • Bone resorption (osteoporosis)
  • Bone tumor that occurs in bone tissues called Osteoid Osteoma,
  • Intraosseous tumors that occur in the bone cartilage tissue called enchondroma

It can be a symptom of such diseases. For this reason, in cases of pain lasting longer than 1 week, lack of movement due to bone pain, excessive and permanent weight loss, high fever seen with bone pain, and edema and inflammation occurring in areas with bone pain, a doctor should definitely be checked.

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