
What are the Natural Methods for Map Language Treatment?

3028 okunma — 24 November 2022 20:00
What are the Natural Methods for Map Language Treatment

Map language treatment methods Natural ones in the middle give very effective results. The answer to the question of what is a map language; It is a harmless but negative effect that can be seen on the sides and upper parts of the tongue. geographic tongue disease can be given as It is the condition that the papilla area in the tongue is whiter and more obvious than usual. The reason why the name given to this disease is the map language is because of the geographical and map states it creates on the language.

When this condition is not treated, red, pink and white patches begin to appear on the tongue. Map language disturbance; It can cause the tongue to be very sensitive to hot, acidic and spicy foods. In addition to these effects, this disease can also cause burning, pain and bad breath problems.

Factors Causing Map Language

No definite reason has been found as to why the map language disorder occurs. language disordersThe factors that trigger the map language, which is one of the rare disorders in the middle of which the reason is unknown, can be listed as follows;

  • Experiencing emotional tension
  • psychological factors
  • Allergy
  • nutrient deficiency
  • Oral-para functional habits
  • Diabetes
  • hormonal disorders
  • B12 deficiency

Natural Treatment With Peppermint For Your Tongue

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, mint prevents the proliferation of bacterial production in the mouth. It prevents the burning sensation in the tongue and makes the breath fresh. A strong peppermint tea can be used as a natural treatment procedure for the map tongue. After preparing the mint tea with plenty of mint, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour. You can consume it afterwards. When you consume it once or twice a day, the map will be enough for language discomfort.

İbrahim Saraçoğlu Map Natural Cure for Language Treatment

İbrahim Saraçoğlu map language therapy recommends liquid propolis for Although a definitive treatment method for the map language has not been found yet, it is possible to reduce the effects and heal the language wounds with this system. After dropping up to 15 drops of liquid propolis in half a tea glass of water, a sip is taken into the mouth and left for 7-8 seconds. It is then swallowed. In addition, 5 to 6 glasses of black pepper tea that you will drink in the evening will also be effective.

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