
What are the Symptoms of Neck Hernia? Neck Hernia Exercises

1289 okunma — 21 June 2023 10:00
What are the Symptoms of Neck Hernia Neck Hernia Exercises

The way to understand neck hernia is the pain that starts from one shoulder and spreads to the arm. Neck hernia symptoms It is a disorder that affects the spinal cord and ends. Although it usually occurs in middle age, it can also occur at an early age with the effect of some factors. Neck hernia symptoms may vary depending on the condition of the hernia.

Neck Hernia Symptoms General

For example severe cervical hernia It can be shown that it is difficult to hold the objects and drop them from the hand. Other than that, the general symptoms of neck hernia are:

  • Loss of strength in the arm,
  • Numbness that spreads from the arm to the fingers,
  • muscle spasms,
  • dizziness,
  • Ringing in the ear.
neck hernia symptoms

Factors Increasing the Risk of Neck Hernia

Causes of neck hernia many different things can be shown in the middle. However, especially if neck hernia is seen at an early age, the main reason for this is the formation of deformation in its length. This deformation can also occur as a result of traffic accident, trauma or disability. Apart from these, performing some professions can also cause neck hernia. Other factors that increase the risk of neck hernia are:

  • Long-term computer use,
  • posture disorder,
  • psychological disorders, tension,
  • Making a wrong move to the neck.
How to Understand Neck Hernia Symptoms

Which Training Should Be Done for Neck Hernia?

Neck hernia treatment different methods are used for Physical therapy is usually recommended first for an individual diagnosed with a neck hernia. In addition to physical therapy, many neck hernias can be treated with medication and rest. However, even if there is no improvement despite these treatments, it is a rule to be operated. Exercise is also of great value in the treatment of neck hernia. Neck hernia training The most recommended one among them is to bend the neck to the right and left. But making a wrong move can lead to far more serious issues. Therefore, individuals with neck hernia should consult a specialist before training.

neck hernia exercises

How Are Neck Hernia Exercises Done?

  • First of all, carefully turn our head to the right and wait for 4 seconds. Then slowly turn our head to the left and wait for 4 seconds. Repeat these head flip workouts 10 times.
  • The other training should be waited for 4 seconds in such a way that our head is in contact with the chest (chin-chest). Repeat this insult 6 times. Then slowly tilt your head back and relax. Be careful while doing this move, do not force your chin to touch your chest. !
  • Our last neck hernia exercise is to tilt our head to the right shoulder. And just like doing the movement on the left side, while doing this move, wait 4 seconds on both sides. Do 10 repetitions opposite each other.

Note:While doing these neck exercises without forcingtake care to do it.

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