
What are the Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency, How to Supplement?

1861 okunma — 17 June 2023 04:30
What are the Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency How to Supplement

Signs of vitamin B deficiency In the middle there is always feeling tired and sluggish. Vitamin B is a vitamin that protects border cells. B vitamins support and strengthen the circulatory system and also protect the body against infections. The deficiency of B vitamins, which is so valuable for the body, can also show many different symptoms. Especially B12 deficiency symptoms can be understood in a much easier form. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Distractibility,
  • heart palpitations, difficulty in breathing,
  • Forgetfulness,
  • bleeding gums,
  • Peeling of the tops of the nails.
Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency

How is Vitamin B Supplement Made?

In order to treat vitamin B deficiency, it is necessary to resort to drugs. Doctors often give pills to individuals whose B12 level is not very low. Vitamin B12 pills It is possible to reduce B12 values ​​to the ideal level with However, individuals with a very low B12 value should have an injection. Vitamin B12 injection How often it will be done is also related to the costs. These pills and injections must be used according to the doctor’s advice.

Foods Rich in Vitamin B

Individuals who are deficient in B vitamins can bring their B vitamin levels to the required level by paying attention to their food. If the doctor has recommended a treatment, it is essential to follow that advice. However, in addition to this treatment, some nutrients can also be supported. For example, lentils are a very powerful food in terms of B vitamins. That’s why everyone with or without a B vitamin deficiency should eat lentils. Vitamin B12 deficiency what to eat Another answer to the question is marine artifacts. In particular, shellfish such as crabs and mussels are rich in B12. Some of the other foods that should be eaten for B12 deficiency are:

  • Spinach,
  • Broccoli,
  • Yogurt,
  • Beef and chicken liver,
  • Egg,
  • Breakfast cereals.
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