
What are the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency, How to Tell?

1881 okunma — 18 June 2023 14:30
What are the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency How to Tell

Understanding vitamin D deficiency For this reason, symptoms that arise due to the disease should be monitored. Vitamin D has a very valuable effect on the immune system. The most valuable task of Vitamin D is to strengthen the immune system, which keeps the body resistant to viruses and bacteria that cause disease. For this reason, the most common symptom that indicates the onset of Vitamin D deficiency is; It is the body’s lack of resistance to diseases and infections and the increased risk of getting them. Vitamin D deficiency symptomsWhen taken into account, it is understood that the main cause of many conditions is due to the deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Conditions caused by vitamin D deficiency, It has various negative effects on people. After encountering the signs of the disease in individuals, the diagnosis of the disease is made. Vitamin D deficiency treatment what is started. In an individual Vitamin D deficiencySituations that indicate that it is possible can be listed in the following form:

  • Fatigue and Weakness
  • Hair loss
  • muscle pain
  • Experiencing bone loss
  • Extremely difficult wounds
  • Depression
  • Bone and back pain
Foods with Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficiency Risk Group

Negative consequences of Vitamin D deficiency There are some people who are more likely to compete with them. The common characteristics of individuals who are considered as risk cluster can be listed as follows:

  • dark skin
  • advancing age
  • High weight and obesity
  • Not to consume fish and dairy products to a sufficient extent
  • Living where the sun is low
  • Spending too much time indoors
  • Consistently using sunscreen

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