
What Causes PLT Height, What Are Its Symptoms? Treatment

1995 okunma — 07 December 2022 15:00
What Causes PLT Height What Are Its Symptoms Treatment

What causes PLT elevation and what its symptoms are While it comes to the fore as the topics that are highly curious by individuals who have problems in this direction, it should not be forgotten that platelet height, whose brand new name is “Trambocyte Platelet”, is a detail that should not be neglected. Platelets stored in the spleen under the usual rules are then destroyed by the spleen and liver again.

What is PLT, What Does It Do?

While thrombocytes, which are small blood cell particles and help blood clotting, are called “Platelet” or PLT, it can also be mentioned that they function as a defense system to prevent blood loss. PLT test highIt means the presence of platelets above the normal number in the blood, normal PLT values It is possible to talk about 400,000 endings (between 150,000 and 400,000) per microliter of blood. Although the presence of more than 400 thousand platelets in the blood causes thrombocytosis, a complete blood count is required to determine the platelet size.

Reasons for High Platelet Values

Causes of platelet elevation, which can be divided into two medically;

  • primary thrombocythemia
  • It is called secondary thrombocytosis.

Primary thrombocythemia is a condition in which the cause of high platelet cannot be determined exactly. Besides primary thrombocythemia, which is also called an independent condition, secondary thrombocytosis statusWhile symptoms such as infection, bruising, fainting, chest pain and heart attack, discontinuous visual disturbances, anemia, vitamin and iron deficiency, skin burns, blood loss, acute bleeding and cancer can be seen, each of these symptoms is also the cause of PLT elevation on its own. can happen.

How Is PLT Height Treated?

PLT so thrombocyte The decision and treatment authority for the height of the disease is internal medicine physicians. Internists will first determine the cause of PLT elevation and will give it to the treatment of PLT elevation by eliminating this cause.

  • Platelet-reducing drugs such as Busulfan and Hydroxy Carbamide
  • Blood-thinning medications that lower blood viscosity, such as warfarin and aspirin
  • In the plateletpheresis method,

It is another method followed in the treatment of PLT.

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