
What causes the constant desire to eat, is it a sign of illness?

3008 okunma — 23 November 2022 06:00
What causes the constant desire to eat is it a sign of illness

Eating constantly It is one of the most important and common diseases of the modern world. Eating too much and unhealthy can occur due to emotional reasons, as well as this neediness arises because unhealthy and hormonal foods do not fully meet the nutrients needed by the body. The medical name of the eating disorder that leads to obesity is polyphagia. polyphagia It is a disease of eating frequently and in many forms. Polyphagia, which is characterized by the feeling of always feeling hungry and never satiated, occurs for various reasons.

What are the Causes of Constant Eating?

Reasons for constant cravings is quite different. Emotional reasons often lie behind the habit of eating too much. In addition to this, a vicious circle is entered in wanting to eat as we eat, as the habit of always eating physically blunts the feelings of satiety in the brain. Feeling hungry all the time is one of the most negative and bad health conditions. overeating Obesity may result. In addition, situations such as shortness of breath and too much weight may occur due to always eating.

What is the Treatment of Constant Eating Cravings?

Persistent food cravings treatment Awareness should be created first. It is very valuable to give up eating fast and fast. Too much tension leads to unnecessary eating. For this reason, tension coping procedures should be developed and overeating should be avoided by coping with tension in the most appropriate way. In addition, quitting smoking or drinking habits can lead to the need to eat more. In such cases, getting expert and professional help is very valuable. It is one of the problems that can occur in people of all ages, as it can be seen in periods when hormonal changes occur, such as pregnancy, when she wants to eat a lot. Lifestyle changes and awareness will be the biggest supporter of the person at this point. If eating cannot be prevented by personal measures and precautions, it may be necessary to start a medical treatment to get a support from experts and to prevent eating at this point.

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