
What is Chicken Skin (Keratosis Pilaris) Disease? Treatment

1240 okunma — 10 July 2023 12:30
What is Chicken Skin Keratosis Pilaris Disease Treatment

Chicken skin is a common skin disease and does not cause any discomfort or itching. Keratosis Pilaris, also known as chicken skin, is a common skin condition that women suffer from today.

As the name suggests, this skin disorder leaves hard bumps on the skin that look a lot like chicken skin. These small bumps often appear on the cheeks, chin, arms or thighs. Chicken skin may look like a normal pimple, but it’s not that bad. They often look red or brown and don’t really cause any random itching or discomfort.

Chicken skin usually occurs when there are dead skin cells in the hair follicles. This skin condition worsens when the skin becomes dry. Let’s share with you some easy tips that can help reduce or prevent chicken skin or Keratosis Pilaris…

Don’t Take Long Showers

An easy way to beautify chicken skin is to change our bathroom habits. It is best to avoid long baths and not use very hot water, as this can leave the skin dry and lead to chicken skin. After bathing, use a proper moisturizer all over your body. Lanolin, petrolatum, and glycerine may be some good options. They prevent skin dryness and help beautify keratosis pilaris.

Keep Your Skin Moist

Another way to reduce chicken skin or Keratosis Pilaris is to keep your body hydrated all day. Using creams containing lactic acid may help. Using natural ingredients like honey, which acts as a moisturizer, can also help. They trap moisture in the skin and leave your skin soft and smooth for longer.

Exfoliate your skin

Make sure you exfoliate your skin from time to time. This will help reduce and prevent chicken skin. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and gives you a soft, smooth skin.

Use Vitamin A Strong Creams

Add rich creams in the direction of vitamin A to your skin care routine. You can use a topical retinol, which helps strengthen the skin and prevent hair follicles from becoming clogged. You can use creams rich in alpha hydroxy acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, which help reduce the appearance of chicken skin even more.

Use a humidifier

Using a moisturizer can help treat chicken skin because low humidity can cause your skin to dry out. Humidifiers do not absorb moisture from the air, neutralizing the drying air. Moisturizers keep your skin soft and smooth. They are readily available in the market, but must be handled with care. You should consult your dermatologist before using it to find out if it is suitable for your skin type.

Choose Loose Clothes​

Wearing loose clothing helps to minimize friction on the skin. Avoid wearing tight clothing and wear something light and breathable.

Although all these tests are natural and do not have any side effects, we recommend that you consult a doctor before applying any of these tips to prevent any skin problem.

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