
What is IVF? How is IVF Treatment Performed?

2763 okunma — 12 December 2022 21:00
What is IVF How is IVF Treatment Performed

Whether they’re 25 or 35, every couple’s dream is to have one or more healthy lives in the short or long term. having children is to be. Some couples find it too early to plan for having a child in the first year of their marriage; they carry their child demands to the later periods of their marriage. Others take their babies in their arms when they complete the first year of their marriage. Couples who postpone having a baby until later years sometimes have difficulty in achieving these wishes due to some possible health problems. When this happens, a very difficult and stressful process begins for couples. because having a baby naturally Being unable to conceive may mean going through a large number of physician examinations, having many analyzes done, not being able to achieve pregnancy despite applying some treatment formulas. However, there is now in vitro fertilization treatment for such cases. IVF treatmentToday, it has been a very important and precious light of hope for couples who cannot have a baby naturally.

In today’s contemporary societies, having a baby naturally is no longer a normal, ordinary situation. Because about 15% of couples in reproductive age cannot have a baby naturally today. While some of these couples can achieve pregnancy with reproductive treatments such as ovulation treatment and vaccination, in vitro fertilization is the subject of the word as the only cure and the most successful system for many.

In today’s conditions, modern medicine offers many opportunities for those who want to have children. In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive method that is applied in this direction and has the most successful results. This formula, which is a treatment process that ensures fertilization by bringing eggs, which are female reproductive cells, and sperm, which are male reproductive cells, outside the body, in a laboratory environment, fulfills the dreams of couples who want to have a baby.

What is a test tube baby?

In vitro fertilization treatment is applied to couples who cannot have a baby naturally for an average of 40 years all over the world, and it is possible to achieve pregnancy in this case. IVF; It has been a beacon of hope for couples who cannot have a baby naturally due to reasons or reasons arising from women, men or both.

Namely; In vitro fertilization is the process by which couples who have one or many reproductive cells, that is, who are already in reproductive age, can achieve pregnancy by fertilization in a laboratory environment, not naturally.

Fertilization is carried out in the laboratory by using the existing reproductive cells of the expectant mother and father, in the presence of expert individuals, and the embryo consisting of this fertilized egg is placed back in the uterus of the mother through medical processes and pregnancy is carried out in a controlled manner. Actually IVF treatmentWith this method, the natural process in which the tubes are involved in pregnancy is ruled out, this natural process takes place under the supervision of experts.

How is IVF treatment done?

For IVF treatment, first of all, couples are required to have tried pregnancy naturally for a certain period of time under appropriate conditions. It is recommended to talk about in vitro fertilization if those younger than 35 have had unprotected sexual intercourse for approximately 1 year, and those over 35 have had an average of 6 months of unprotected sexual intercourse, and yet cannot achieve pregnancy. What is meant here is “regular sexual intercourse” 2-3 times a week or unprotected sexual intercourse every 2 days. Because it may be more difficult to get pregnant in case of infrequent sexual intercourse once a week or very often every day. Because when it is very rare, it may be a matter of missing the woman’s ovulation time, and it may not be possible to accumulate sufficient number and quality sperm in the semen of the father-to-be in very frequent ligaments. Here, when a natural pregnancy cannot be achieved despite the frequency of unprotected sexual intercourse, the most appropriate one of the assisted reproductive treatment procedures is selected by consulting a doctor. Mostly, after more prerequisite applications such as ovulation treatment and vaccination applications, in vitro fertilization treatment is started, where the probability of pregnancy is very high.

As a result of detailed examinations and tests performed on the couple, when IVF treatment is decided, the ovarian reserve of the woman is evaluated and, if necessary, she is provided to use some drugs that increase the number of eggs and facilitate ovulation. Eggs are developed in this form and this development is monitored and monitored at frequent intervals. Egg cells taken from the woman in the laboratory environment are collected in devices and growth fluids that are closest to the conditions in the body and are kept here until fertilization. One day, a sperm sample is also taken from the father-to-be and made ready for fertilization. If the double classical in vitro fertilization method is to be applied, the sperm and egg cell are taken into the environment and the sperm cell reaches the egg and fertilizes it, just as in the natural way of pregnancy. However, if the microinjection method is to be used, the best quality sperm cell selected by the experts is injected into the egg cell using microcannulas.

As described above, the fertilized egg is enclosed in the uterine environment in special devices created in the most similar form. The development of embryos formed in this form is also followed every day. In this form, the best quality embryo is selected and transferred to the uterus of the expectant mother at the appropriate time. On the 12th day after the embryo is transferred, a blood pregnancy test is performed to find out whether the pregnancy has occurred or not.

When should I apply for IVF treatment?

Anyone who wants to achieve pregnancy dreams of doing so in the first month of unprotected intercourse. But actually the situation is not so much. The realization of pregnancy is possible with the positive course of each of many different factors. Namely; Assuming that the spouse of a 30-year-old woman who ovulates in a healthy way, the sperm count and quality are at the desired level, and if she engages in unprotected sexual intercourse, the average probability of getting pregnant every month is 20-25%. Also, if the woman’s age is below 35, this possibility decreases rapidly every year, even every month. In other words, as it is misunderstood in the society, those who cannot get pregnant despite having unprotected sexual intercourse several times may not be infertile.

In order to apply for an assisted reproductive treatment method, it is best to have had unprotected sexual intercourse frequently and regularly. In this context, the generally valid expert opinion; It is in the form that women under the age of 35 should not be able to achieve pregnancy despite having regular unprotected sexual intercourse with a period of 1 year and those over the age of 35 for a period of 6 months.

What is meant here is regular interest; It is unprotected sexual intercourse not every day, not once a week, but every 2 or 3 days. Because getting attention every day prevents the accumulation of quality sperm in the man’s semen, while rarely having intercourse once a week reduces the chances of pregnancy. Because what is valuable in achieving pregnancy is to match the ovulation period of the woman.

In the light of all that has been explained above, a couple of reproductive age should have regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for at least 6 months in order to think that they cannot conceive naturally and to suspect infertility. In case of failure, it is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting much time. Because as time passes and age progresses, the fertility ability of women decreases rapidly.

Are infertility rates different for men and women?

Generally, there is an opinion that the female factor is more loaded in infertility or inability to have a baby in the society. However, according to scientific data, infertility is caused by 40% men, 40% women, and 20% both. In other words, the healthy progress of the pregnancy process depends on the male factor as well as the female factor. However, there is a fact that as the age of the woman increases, the number of eggs decreases, the reproductive ability decreases rapidly, and the reproductive ability of the male is more resistant to age and advancing years compared to the female.

Although the infertility problem is caused by the woman, the man or both, the rates of pregnancy are quite high thanks to the advances in in vitro fertilization treatment. When pregnancy cannot be achieved naturally, the treatment process may have difficulties from time to time. However, these difficulties should not intimidate patients and should not put them under tension. Because with this method, the high morale of the patient during the pregnancy process can increase the success of the treatment more than is thought.

First IVF in the world and in our country

modern IVF The founder of the treatment is Bob Edwards and the first baby born as a result of the treatment, Louise Brown, was born in England in 1978. Since 1971, when the studies were started, all applications regarding in vitro fertilization form the basis of the technique applied today, and the success rate is increased by adding innovations day by day. While developments regarding in vitro fertilization continue rapidly in the world, our country has not been indifferent to the studies on IVF and has started to implement progressive t methods. As a result of this, in 1989, the first IVF was delivered at Ege University. Today, not only patients in our country, but also couples from all over the world who want to have a baby receive treatment in our country. Because the centers and specialists in our country increase their success in achieving a healthy pregnancy and a live birth by successfully applying each innovation and development related to IVF treatment.

Source: www.bulenttiras.com

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