
What is Malignant Melanoma, Its Symptoms and Stages?

2688 okunma — 26 November 2022 21:00
What is Malignant Melanoma Its Symptoms and Stages

malignant melanoma in the aforementioned structure; It is understood to be a type of cancer that occurs in the cells that form the melanin pigment, which is named as melanocyte and gives the skin its own color. This type of cancer, which occurs when melanocytes produce too much melanin, can be understood to be in advanced stages when it starts to show symptoms because it progresses slowly. Although malignant melanoma is a rare type of cancer, most often in children:

  • white skinned persons
  • Individuals with more than 10 moles,

People who have uneven and growing moles should apply to a dermatologist and have a mole analysis. I test is done free of charge in public hospitals by dermatologists and dermatologists or in private hospitals.

What Are the Risk Factors for Malignant Melanoma?

Malignant melanoma risk factorsinclude:

  • Moles that appear later on the body,
  • Too much exposure to the sun’s rays
  • long sunbathing,
  • genetic reasons,
  • Being white,
  • being blonde,
  • Having white skin is a risk factor.

It is especially valuable for individuals with these risk factors to have their moles checked every 6 months.

What Are the Symptoms of Malignant Melanoma?

Symptoms of malignant melanoma directly manifests itself. The symptoms are:

  • Growth in a mole in the body, change in form, change in color,
  • Irregularity at the edges of the mole,
  • Color changes in me (one side is brown, the other side is black),
  • Ben has an asymmetrical structure,
  • Frequent itching of the mole
  • The wound that never heals on me,
  • I have bleeding
  • Wound formation on the mole.

Changes that occur on the mole should not necessarily be ignored. Now developing mole cancers are treated with outpatient examination. Since these cancer types progress very slowly, moles should be checked frequently and in doubtful cases, a dermatologist should be consulted immediately.

What Are the Stages of Malignant Melanoma?

Stages of malignant melanoma It is divided into 4. In the first two stages, the tumor has not spread now and can be treated in a short time. However, in the 3rd stage, cancer cells have spread, and in the 4th stage, spreads have occurred in the internal organs besides the lymph nodes.

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