
What Is Rhinitis, How Is It Treated? What are the Symptoms?

2919 okunma — 26 November 2022 04:00
What Is Rhinitis How Is It Treated What are the Symptoms

Treatment of rhinitis, It is possible to stay away from allergic factors that cause the disease. Rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever. those with hay fever In fact, it is described as a Rhinitis patient in medicine. This disease, which affects more than one time as an allergic reaction, affects the longevity of life and complicates human life. This ailment, which usually occurs in individuals who breathe the pollen carried by the winds in the spring seasons and have allergic diseases, does not go away if it is not treated and causes damage to the respiratory tract.

What are the Causes of Allergic Rhinitis?

While rhinitis literally means rhinitis, allergic rhinitis means that rhinitis is caused by environmental factors. The mucous membrane in the nose becomes inflamed and becomes very sensitive and manifests itself in the form of respiratory tract disorders, sneezing, itching and runny nose. allergic rhinitis symptomsnegatively affects the life of the individual and triggers respiratory tract disorders such as asthma.

The factors that cause allergic rhinitis are:

  • Trees with pollen and seeds carried by the winds, especially in the spring season,
  • Factors that trigger an allergic effect, such as animal hair, woolen carpet and residential dust,
  • Doing work that touches animals and keeping furry animals such as cats, dogs, birds in the dwelling,

It is one of the factors that increase the incidence of allergic rhinitis. How long does allergic rhinitis last The answer to the question is also very curious. Since hay fever is a disease that must be treated and medication used, medical supervision is important. The most common symptom of this disease is the feeling of allergic discomfort throughout the year and the long-term absence of nasal inflammations that occur in the spring.

How Is Rhinitis Treated?

Rhinitis, or hay fever, is a disease that is diagnosed and treated according to the symptoms that occur in the person. Although allergic tests may result in negative results in some cases, the diagnosis of the disease is made as a result of testing the nasal mucosal inflammation, examining the patient’s history of itching, discharge and sneezing;

  • Drug treatment to prevent allergic effects,
  • Allergic Rhinitis preventive vaccine treatment,
  • Allergy preventive surgical treatment

Such methods are preferred scientific and medical treatment procedures. The most valuable treatment formula in dealing with rhinitis is, of course, to cut off contact with the allergic environment and to stay away from these environments as much as you can. Herbal treatment for allergic rhinitis Although it is not completely eliminated by the methods of the disease, the severity of the disease can be reduced. In the treatment of allergic rhinitis;

  • Ginger tea,
  • Green tea,
  • Vinegar and honey mixture

Consuming it is effective in relieving sore throat and preventing severe rhinitis symptoms.

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