
What You Should Know About Lung Cancer

814 okunma — 19 July 2023 16:00
What You Should Know About Lung Cancer

The lungs are a vital organ where gas exchange takes place in the body and makes breathing possible. Cancer that starts in the lung is known as lung cancer. Smokers have a risk of developing lung cancer. But it can also be seen in non-smokers. Individuals diagnosed with lung cancer should consult an oncologist.

1 August World Lung Cancer Day It is held annually on August 1 to draw attention to lung cancer, an important and sometimes fatal disease that has become so common today. This article describes lung cancer symptoms, risk factors, and prevention tips. Keep reading to learn more!

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer often do not appear in primary care. When they emerged, the situation had actually progressed. It is usually understood in stages 3 and 4.

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • spitting blood
  • chronic cough
  • hoarseness
  • chest pain
  • Headache
  • Bone pain or bone fractures
  • Unwanted weight loss
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