
Why do some people get fat soon after marriage?

903 okunma — 23 July 2023 00:00
Why do some people get fat soon after marriage

It is often seen that men and especially women start to gain weight after marriage. Various studies claim that the risk of weight gain is higher in newly married couples. Many of you may have experienced this or have seen their gluttons get chubbier a few months after marriage. Have you ever wondered why this weight gain is due?

Let’s understand from the research findings:

  • Eating frequently; New couples want to enjoy every day of their new life. Newlywed brides will (mostly) not want to do some random residential work, let alone cooking for the family. Therefore, eating out and attending parties becomes a daily thing. Many couples don’t care about what they eat, which is one of the many reasons why their weight gain is expected in the first year.
  • It is said that the way to the heart is through the stomach to please each other, whether in love or in a arranged marriage. For this reason, more than one person pays more attention to eating and drinking in the first days of marriage. Residential ladies often find new ways to impress their spouses and other family members. In many cases, healthy eating is left behind to keep people happy.
  • Couples often contribute to their comfort after marriage. Facilities increase comfort and couples live a comfortable life on the first day. This comfort and enjoyment of a lot of rest and initiation days is another common cause of post-marriage weight gain.
  • The honeymoon period is the real fallacy that acts as a barricade in weight loss. While couples are resting and making the most of this lonely time, they lose sight of their health and gain weight that is difficult to lose.

Does marriage make you fat? So why?

No. Only someone who is always in excess of calories can make you fat.

Why do couples gain weight after marriage? The most logical reason is that when you find your partner, you tend to ignore your appearance because you are no longer looking for a new partner. This also means that you can slack off and eat whatever form you want without worrying too much about your weight or appearance. However, it is not a healthy approach in the long run.
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